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i think so pheidias mug was found near the temple of Zeus.

because on that mug it was written i belong to pheidias and a scratched on it!!


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The mug found near the ruins of the temple of Zeus is believed to belong to a tourist or visitor to the site. Further investigation would be needed to determine the owner of the mug.

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What do you do after Zeus takes away the items?

After Zeus takes away the items, you can try to negotiate with him or seek help from other gods or allies. It is important to understand the reasons behind Zeus's actions and find a way to resolve the situation peacefully.

What is the last thing you do on mythology island on poptropica?

On Mythology Island in Poptropica, the final thing you do is defeat Zeus in a battle to stop him from taking over the island. Once you defeat Zeus, you will have completed the main quest of the island and can claim your medallion.

What is the altar to the gods on Mythology Island?

The altar to the gods on Mythology Island is located at the top of Mount Olympus. It is a platform where Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, and Athena judge the heroes who seek their help in defeating the monsters on the island. The altar is a significant location in the quest to restore peace to Mythology Island.

How do get into Zeus' hous on Mythology Island?

To enter Zeus' house on Mythology Island, you need to defeat Zeus in a lightning bolt challenge at the end of the island's quest. Once you've defeated Zeus, you'll gain access to his house and the rewards inside. Just follow the storyline and complete the challenges to reach Zeus' house.

How do get into Zeues kingdom in Mythology Island?

To access Zeus's kingdom in Mythology Island on Poptropica, you need to defeat the Hydra and obtain its scale. This scale will serve as a form of currency to gain access to Mount Olympus, which is where Zeus resides. Once you have the scale, go to Mount Olympus and present it to the gods to enter Zeus's kingdom.

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How did temple of Zeus get wrecked?

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What happened to the stone that cronus ate?

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When and where was the anciet Olympics held?

At the temple of Zeus, in whose honour they were held, at Olympia in Elis, southern Greece.

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The ancient Olympic Games was a religious festival dedicated to the god Zeus, whose temple at Olympia was the site of the Games.

Which Greek god were the olympics held in honor of?

Zeus, whose temple was at Olympia in southern Greece.

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By the city-state of Elis, where the temple of Zeus, in whose name the games were celebrated at Olympia in southern Greece.

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The Greek name of Zeus\' temple in Athens, Greece is Olympieion.

What is the name of Zeus' temple on mount Olympus?

temple of Zeus supposedly at least that's what i got.