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Frankly, no-one really knows because it depends on your criteria and the records available. A few intrepid souls tried to explore caves back in the 17th, even 16th Century; and metal-ore miners broke into caves from their mines, from time to time. It's entirely possible some of these people met their end underground, but mining was so dangerous it would probably have been recorded as a mining accident, and then rather scantily.

Of modern explorers, in caves to explore out of curiosity, I suppose you could count a 19C quarryman called Joe Plumley who died in a vertical cave the quarry had opened up in Burrington Coombe (Somerset, SW England). None of the team were cavers as we would know then now. His work-mates lowered him on a rope but managed to break his neck in trying to pull him back up. The hole was covered over and is now lost, but was near the geological feature now known by the famous hymn that it inspired, "Rock of Ages".

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In 1896, French speleologist Michel-Gabriel Paccard died exploring the Gouffre Berger cave in France.

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What did the stone age people us for first aid?

Stone age people used various plants, animal products, and minerals for first aid. This may have included using herbs with medicinal properties, applying animal fat to wounds for healing, and using substances like honey as a natural antiseptic. They also possibly practiced basic wound care techniques like bandaging injuries with animal hides or plant fibers.

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In a cave ecosystem, the food chain typically starts with primary producers like algae and fungi. These are then consumed by primary consumers such as insects and crustaceans. Secondary consumers like bats, spiders, and salamanders feed on the primary consumers, and higher-level predators like owls and snakes may prey on them. Decay organisms break down waste and dead organisms to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem.

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Anubis was not a real person; he is a mythological ancient Egyptian god associated with mummification and the afterlife. There is no specific burial site for Anubis because he is a deity in Egyptian mythology.

Is it legal in the US to be mummified?

Yes, it is legal in the US to be mummified. However, the process of mummification is usually performed for scientific or historical purposes and not typically offered as a service for the general public.

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The quest archetype typically involves a hero setting out on a journey, facing challenges and obstacles, gaining new knowledge or skills along the way, and ultimately achieving a goal or completing a task. This journey often involves a transformation or growth in the hero's character.

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