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The Mandan Tribef

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The Mandan tribe encountered by Lewis and Clark's expedition in North Dakota suffered greatly from a smallpox epidemic in 1837. This epidemic decimated the population, with estimates suggesting that up to 90% of the Mandan people perished.

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Q: Which tribe of the Lewis and Clark expedition was almost wiped out by smallpox?
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Meriwether Lewis was in charge and William Clark came as his assistant. But the Lewis And Clark Expedition is still know as The Lewis And Clark Expedition.

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There was a disease in the Lewis and Clark expedition

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Lewis & Clark began their expedition in 1804.

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The Lewis and Clark expedition consisted of 33 individuals. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were the leaders.

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Lewis and Clark did, hence the expedition's name. Clark was supposed to be second banana, but Lewis wanted him to co-lead the expedition. Lewis let Clark co-lead as soon as they left.

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Lewis and Clark got back from there expedition on February 22nd

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The name of the lewis and clark expedition is corps of discovery Expedition

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The Lewis and Clark expedition started on May 14, 1804.