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The calendar system developed by the Olmec civilization was adopted by most early Mexican cultures. This calendar, known as the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, played a significant role in the civilizations that followed, such as the Maya and Aztec.

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Q: Which olmec creation was adopted by most early Mexican culures?
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Why do you think the Romans adopted the clothing style of the Etruscans?

The Romans adopted the clothing style of the Etruscans because they admired their advanced civilization and considered them an influential culture. The Etruscans were known for their elegant and luxurious clothing, which appealed to the Romans' sense of fashion. Additionally, the Etruscans had a significant influence on early Roman society, including their political structure and religious practices, making the adoption of their clothing style a natural progression.

How was the discovery of metal useful to early man?

The discovery of metal was useful to early man because it allowed for the creation of tools and weapons that were stronger and more durable than those made from stone or wood. This advancement improved hunting, agriculture, and warfare, leading to advancements in civilization and technology. Metal also enabled humans to develop new metalworking techniques and trade for valuable metals with other societies.

What were the major achievements in human history during the old stone age?

During the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic period), major achievements included the development of stone tools for hunting and gathering, the control and use of fire for cooking and warmth, the creation of cave paintings as a form of early art and expression, and the development of social structures and communication among early human communities.

How would you describe the three crafts developed in erly permanent settlements?

The three crafts developed in early permanent settlements were pottery-making, weaving, and metallurgy. Pottery-making allowed for the creation of containers for storage and transportation of goods. Weaving enabled the production of textiles for clothing and other domestic uses. Metallurgy involved the shaping and manipulation of metals for tools, weapons, and ornaments. These crafts were essential for the development of early civilizations by providing practical and artistic materials for daily life.

What were the achievements of the Paleolithic Era?

During the Paleolithic Era, achievements included the development of stone tools, the control of fire for cooking and warmth, the creation of cave art and engravings, and the development of rudimentary forms of language for communication. These innovations were critical for early human survival and the advancement of their societies.

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Which olmec creation was adopted by most earty Mexican cultures?

The Olmec creation that was adopted by most early Mexican cultures is the ballgame. The Olmec were the earliest known civilization in Mesoamerica to develop this game, and it became an important part of religious and social life for many later cultures, including the Maya and Aztecs.

What Olmec creation was adopted by most early Mexican cultures?

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