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The Mississippian culture built the Craig mound by hand using layers of dirt carried in basketfuls. This culture was known for constructing large earthen mounds as part of their religious and ceremonial practices in the southeastern United States.

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Q: Which of the following cultures built the Craig mound by hand using layers of dirt carried in basketfuls?
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Continue Learning about Archaeology

What do archaeologists analyze?

Archaeologists analyze artifacts, structures, and other physical remains left behind by past human cultures to understand their lifestyles, beliefs, and interactions. They also analyze soil layers, ancient DNA, and other scientific data to reconstruct the history of a site or civilization.

What are the layers archaeologist dig through?

Archaeologists typically dig through layers of soil, sediment, or debris at a site. These layers can provide important clues about the history of the site, as different layers may represent different time periods or human activities. By carefully excavating and analyzing these layers, archaeologists can uncover artifacts and features that help piece together the site's story.

What process aids an archaeologist in the study of artifacts?

One process that aids archaeologists in the study of artifacts is stratigraphy, which involves analyzing the layers in which artifacts are found to determine their relative ages. This helps to establish a chronological sequence of events at a particular site. Analysis of artifacts' material composition, style, and context also provides valuable information about past societies and cultures.

How many layers does Djesors the step pyramid have?

Djeser's step pyramid in Egypt has six layers. Each layer is a step-like structure that makes up the pyramid's overall shape.

Why excavate in layers?

Excavating in layers allows archaeologists to study the history of a site chronologically. By digging down through different layers, they can uncover the sequence of human activity over time and identify changes in artifacts, structures, and soil composition. This method helps to establish a timeline of events and provides valuable insights into the development of a site.

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Frozen water drops that are carried back up into the sky by the wind and have more layers of ice form on them become hailstones. Hailstones can grow in size as they are carried by updrafts within a thunderstorm, accumulating more layers of ice before finally falling to the ground.

Which type of rock is formed when layers of rock partials carried by wind and water are compressed and cemented together?

Sedimentary rock is formed when layers of rock particles carried by wind and water are compressed and cemented together. This process can create rocks like sandstone, shale, and conglomerate.

Which of the following is the best description of stratified?

the layers of participation and authority in a group

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What types of rock are form when layers of rock particles carried by wind and water are compressed and cemented together?

Sedimentary rocks are formed when layers of rock particles carried by wind and water are compacted and cemented together. Sandstone, shale, and conglomerate are examples of sedimentary rocks formed through this process.

What occurs when soil materials are dissolved in water and carried down through soil layers?

When soil materials are dissolved in water and carried down through soil layers, it forms a process known as leaching. This process can lead to the removal of essential nutrients, organic matter, and pollutants from the topsoil to deeper layers or groundwater. Over time, excessive leaching can result in soil degradation and reduced fertility.

Which of the following OSI layers does a Layer 3 switch operate at?

network layer

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Which of the following correctly lists the layers in order from oldest to youngest?

The oldest is on bottom and youngest on top.