Some sources say that Lindisfarne Monastery (or Church) was attacked in 787AD - but others date this to 783AD...
Saint Ephrem is buried in the Deir Mar Roum, also known as the Monastery of Saint Mark, in the town of Mayfouq, Lebanon. His tomb is considered a place of pilgrimage and veneration for followers of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
The Viking era on Time Tangled Island goes from 793 AD to 1066 AD.
The tribe that attacked Juan Ponce de LeΓ³n was the Calusa tribe in Florida. They resisted the Spanish attempts to colonize their territory, leading to violent confrontations.
Dracula's grave is located in Snagov Monastery, near Bucharest, Romania. However, it is uncertain whether Dracula's remains are truly buried there, as the site's actual occupant remains a topic of debate among historians and archaeologists.
Chichen Itza was likely founded around 600 AD and reached its peak between 800-1200 AD. The site continued to be inhabited and used for ceremonial purposes until the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century.
The first ISLAND the vikings attacked was Lindisfarne
A Cluniac monk.
He attacked in 447 Ad.
They came from the sea in a whirlwind of violence. In AD793, the Christian monastery of Lindisfarne off the Northumbrian coast was ransacked by pagans. They plundered and raped; they showed no mercy. These were the Vikings and they came to dominate Europe for the next 200 years.
The uncivilized barbarians.
June 8, 793 AD. Danish raiders sacked the monastery Lindisfarne.
Alaric. Visigoths for A+
The papacy had the power to veto, amend, regulate doctrine, and paint murals on the walls of the monastery.
Both models of the Boeing 787 (787-8 and 787-9) can fly at Mach 0.89