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native american

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Ressie Okuneva

Lvl 13
2y ago
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4mo ago

Francisco Pizarro led the Spanish expedition into the Inca Empire, eventually capturing and conquering the Inca ruler Atahualpa. Hernan Cortes led the Spanish expedition into the Aztec Empire, leading to the downfall of the Aztec civilization and the capture of their leader, Montezuma II.

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Q: Which explorers led the expeditions into the lands of the incas and Aztecs?
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Why were explorers curious?

Explorers were curious because they wanted to discover new lands, resources, and people. They were driven by a desire for adventure, fame, and wealth, as well as a thirst for knowledge about the world beyond what they already knew. Their curiosity fueled their expeditions and motivated them to push the boundaries of exploration.

What did English explorers find?

English explorers discovered new lands, cultures, and resources during their expeditions, such as the Americas, Australia, and parts of Africa and Asia. They encountered indigenous peoples, established colonies, and initiated trade routes that had a significant impact on global history and commerce.

What did early explorers bring back?

Early explorers brought back various goods and resources from their expeditions, such as spices, precious metals, textiles, and new plant and animal species. These items were often highly sought after in their home countries and helped to fuel trade and economic growth. Additionally, explorers brought back knowledge about new lands, cultures, and peoples that expanded the understanding of the world.

What kind of houses did European explorers have?

European explorers typically lived in various types of temporary dwellings such as tents, log cabins, or small huts during their expeditions. These structures were built quickly and were portable to accommodate their nomadic lifestyle as they traveled to new lands. In their home countries, explorers may have lived in more permanent dwellings fitting the architectural styles of their respective regions and time periods.

What unique belief did the incas have about the lands conquered by the sapa Inca?

The Incas believed that the lands conquered by the Sapa Inca were meant to be integrated into their empire as a way to achieve harmony and balance in the world. They viewed the expansion of their empire as a way to spread order and civilization, rather than just conquer lands for power.

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Which country had explorers who led expeditions into the lands of the incas and Aztecs in north and south Americas?


Who were the explorers who led expeditions into the lands of the Aztecs and Incas in north and south America?

pizarro and cortes

Who were the explorers that led Spain expeditions into the lands of Aztecs and incas in north or south America?

pizarro and cortes

What did English explorers find?

English explorers discovered new lands, cultures, and resources during their expeditions, such as the Americas, Australia, and parts of Africa and Asia. They encountered indigenous peoples, established colonies, and initiated trade routes that had a significant impact on global history and commerce.

Why were explorers curious?

Explorers were curious because they wanted to discover new lands, resources, and people. They were driven by a desire for adventure, fame, and wealth, as well as a thirst for knowledge about the world beyond what they already knew. Their curiosity fueled their expeditions and motivated them to push the boundaries of exploration.

What made it possible for the explors to reach new lands that previous explorers didn't have?

what made it possible for the explorers to reach new lands that previous explorers didn't have?

How did the Incas controlled nearby lands?

from trade and barter.

What unique belief did the Incas have about the lands a sapia Inca conquered?

The Incas believed that the lands conquered by a Sapa Inca were still inherently sacred and connected to the spiritual world. They viewed these conquered territories as extensions of their own and believed in harmonizing both the conquered and Inca lands through rituals and ceremonies.

What did the the Aztecs force the people of conquered lands to do?


Why did the Spaniards easily conquer the Filipinos?

they wanted colonize and rule as many lands as possible, some of the filipinos are lock of knowledge and lock of unity.

What did early explorers bring back?

Early explorers brought back various goods and resources from their expeditions, such as spices, precious metals, textiles, and new plant and animal species. These items were often highly sought after in their home countries and helped to fuel trade and economic growth. Additionally, explorers brought back knowledge about new lands, cultures, and peoples that expanded the understanding of the world.

What effect did the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs and Incas have on other European nations?

The native people lost their lands, homes, crops to the spanish. the natives lost their lives because they were murdered, tornted and haunted down. they lost there culture there political structure was destroyed.