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The end of the Ice Age was marked by a global warming trend which resulted in the retreat of glaciers, the expansion of grasslands, and the rise of sea levels. These environmental changes made human survival easier by providing more favorable conditions for agriculture and settlement. The decline in sea level exposed more land areas, facilitating human migration and contributing to the decline of megafauna like mammoths.

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Q: Which environmental change played a key role in making human survival easier and bringing about the Neolithic age decline in global sea level end of the Ice Age extinction of mammoths increase in cave?
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What feature that separate neolithic society from Paleolithic society?

One key feature that separates Neolithic society from Paleolithic society is the development of agriculture and the beginnings of settled communities in the Neolithic period. This shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to agriculture allowed for more permanent settlements, surplus food production, and the development of specialized labor roles. Additionally, in the Neolithic period, there was an increase in the production of pottery and the domestication of animals.

Did The Neolithic agricultural revolution increase in trade between groups of people?

Yes, the Neolithic agricultural revolution increased trade between groups of people as it allowed for a surplus of food to be produced, leading to the development of complex societies and the exchange of goods and resources between different communities.

What helped the Neolithic farmers become more productive?

The development of agriculture, including the domestication of plants and animals, allowed Neolithic farmers to increase their food production. The use of tools such as sickles and plows also improved efficiency. Additionally, the establishment of settled communities facilitated more coordinated and specialized farming practices.

Why Neolithic revolution so important?

The Neolithic Revolution was important because it marked the transition of humans from nomadic hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities. This shift laid the foundation for the development of complex societies, leading to advancements in technology, trade, and social organization. It also led to a population increase and the emergence of permanent settlements.

Why did the Neolithic era witness increased pottery creation?

The Neolithic era saw an increase in pottery creation due to the development of settled agriculture, which allowed people to establish permanent settlements and invest time in crafts like pottery. Pottery was crucial for storing and cooking food, making it an essential technology as societies transitioned from hunter-gatherer to agrarian lifestyles.