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Monte Albán

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The city of Teotihuacan is generally accepted as the first city of Mesoamerica. It was a major cultural and religious center located in the Basin of Mexico, known for its impressive pyramids and large urban population during the Mesoamerican Classic period.

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Q: Which city is generally accepted as the first city of Mesoamerica?
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Which city is generally accepted as their first city of mesoamerica?

The city of Teotihuacan is generally considered to be the first major city in Mesoamerica. Established around 100 BCE, it became one of the largest and most influential cities in the region.

What role did Monte Albán play in the development of cities in Mesoamerica?

Monte Albán was a major city in the Oaxaca Valley and one of the earliest urban centers in Mesoamerica. It served as a political and economic hub for the region, influencing the development of other cities around it through its architecture, religious practices, and complex social structure. Monte Albán's strategic location and monumental buildings demonstrate its importance in shaping urban planning and social organization in Mesoamerica.

How did the Maya change their environment to improve city life?

The Maya improved their environment for city life by constructing terraces to create flat areas for agriculture on hilly terrain, building elaborate irrigation systems to manage water resources, constructing causeways and roads for transportation, and designing cities with plaza and temple complexes for community gatherings and religious ceremonies. These actions helped support a thriving civilization with efficient agricultural practices, transportation networks, and social organization.

Where was the Aztec Empire was located?

Tenochtitlan somewhere in central Mexico

What was the significance of Teotihuacan?

Teotihuacan was a major Mesoamerican city that flourished between the 1st and 7th centuries AD. It was one of the largest cities of its time, with impressive urban planning and monumental architecture. Teotihuacan was an important cultural and economic center in Mesoamerica, influencing later civilizations like the Aztecs.

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Which city is generally accepted as their first city of mesoamerica?

The city of Teotihuacan is generally considered to be the first major city in Mesoamerica. Established around 100 BCE, it became one of the largest and most influential cities in the region.

What was the first major city in mesoamerica?

The first major city in Mesoamerica was Teotihuacan. It was the capital of an early kingdom that arose around 250 BC and collapsed about AD 800.

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Teotihuacan It Means "Place of Gods"

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