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The Incas lived in Peru, spreading from what is now Chile to Quito(what is now Equador),

nearly as big as the Roman Empire. Also they're national language was Quechua

The Incas ruled a great empire in South America - but only for a short time. At its peak the Incas Empire lasted less than a century before it was destroyed by the Spaniards.

In about 1300 the Incas founded their capital city of Cuzco. They were only a small tribe but they came to rule a vast empire including most of Peru and parts of Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia and northwest Argentina. The expansion began in 1438 under their ruler Pachakuti and continued under his successors.
theInca lived in part of south America in between 1200 AD and 1535 AD and in Peru and Chile.

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4mo ago

The Incas lived in the Andes Mountains in South America, primarily in the region of present-day Peru. Their Empire extended along the western coast of South America, covering parts of modern-day Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.

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10y ago

The Inca Empire was centered around the Andes highland city of Cuzco, which is in Peru.

The Incas called the Incan Empire Tahuantinsuyu in their language.

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9y ago

The vast empire of the Incas stretched from southern Columbia through much of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. Descendants still live in these same regions today.

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