

Where are the Aztecs now?

Updated: 4/27/2024
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15y ago

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They live in Mexico. There are still more than a million speakers of Nahuatl (the language of the Aztecs). Most Mexicans have some Amerindian blood from the Aztecs and other native tribes such as the Maya, the Tlaxcala, the Apache, the Comanche, the Navajo etc. The Aztecs although they were defeated are not extinct, this is a common misconception.

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The Aztec civilization no longer exists as it did in the past. The descendants of the Aztecs live in present-day Mexico, where they have integrated into Mexican society while also maintaining aspects of their cultural heritage.

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Which lake did the Aztecs build their capital city?

The Aztecs built their capital city, Tenochtitlan, on an island in Lake Texcoco. It was the largest city in the Aztec Empire and is now present-day Mexico City.

How are Aztecs related to us?

The Aztecs were an ancient civilization that existed in what is now Mexico. Their descendants are still among the population of Mexico today, so if you have Mexican heritage, there could be a genetic and cultural connection to the Aztecs. However, for most people outside of Mexico, there is typically no direct genealogical link to the Aztecs.

Do the Aztecs still exist?

No, the Aztec civilization no longer exists. The Aztecs were an ancient civilization that flourished in central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century. Today, their descendants live in modern-day Mexico as part of the broader Mexican population.

Which relate to the Aztecs?

The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican civilization that flourished in present-day Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century. They are known for their capital city, Tenochtitlan, which was built on an island in Lake Texcoco and is now modern-day Mexico City. The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice as part of their religious rituals and had a complex social structure with nobles, commoners, and slaves.

What did the Aztecs do with human excrement?

The Aztecs used human excrement as fertilizer for their crops to improve soil fertility. They also may have used it for medicinal or cosmetic purposes due to their beliefs in its healing properties. Additionally, some scholars suggest that Aztecs may have used human waste in ritual ceremonies or as a weapon during warfare.

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The Aztecs originate from central Mexico. Their main city (island) is now where Mexico City is.

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The aztecs set up in what they called "meso america" it is now were Mexico is

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No, they lived in what is now Mexico.

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the Aztecs never live in gulf of Mexico, the ancient are olmecas and tolecas, the Aztecs live in center of now is Mexico city

What city did the Aztecs build?

Tenochtitlan, now Mexico city.

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Fernando Horcasitas has written: 'The Aztecs then and now' -- subject(s): Aztecs 'Textos de Xaltepoztla, Puebla'

What are the names of the countries the Aztecs conquered?

Americawhat now i know these things

What was the name of the Aztecs?

Hernando Cortes :) (im learning about it right now!)

What did discovering the Aztecs do?

It solved allot of mystery's. Now we now that for peple who lived back then they were quite the geniuses.