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The Border Cave, located in South Africa, was not "invented" but rather occupied by humans in the Stone Age, specifically during the Middle Stone Age and Later Stone Age periods. It has provided archaeological evidence of human occupation dating back to around 200,000 years ago.

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Q: When was the border Cave invented in the neolithic or Paleolithic era?
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What is the border cave invented in the Paleolithic era or neolithic era?

The Border Cave dates back to the Middle Stone Age, which is part of the Paleolithic era. It is located in the Lebombo Mountains on the border between South Africa and Eswatini. The cave contains evidence of early human occupation and is known for its archaeological significance in revealing information about human behavior and development during that time period.

Did the neolithic age do cave art?

Yes, cave art originated during the Upper Paleolithic period, which predates the Neolithic age. Neolithic cultures focused more on agriculture and domestication of animals, while cave art is associated with hunter-gatherer societies.

How besides dates do scientists differentiate between the Paleolithic Mesolithic and Neolithic periods?

Scientists differentiate between the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods by examining changes in tools and technology, such as the shift from simple stone tools in the Paleolithic to more complex tools in the Mesolithic and Neolithic. They also look at changes in human settlement patterns, such as the transition from nomadic hunting and gathering to settled farming communities in the Neolithic. Additionally, changes in art and symbolic expression, such as cave paintings, can also help to distinguish between these periods.

What are the differences between neolithic and Paleolithic civilizations?

The Paleolithic period was characterized by hunter-gatherer societies, simple tools, and cave paintings, while the Neolithic period saw the transition to settled agriculture, domestication of animals, and the development of more complex social structures. Neolithic civilizations were also known for the emergence of permanent settlements, pottery, and the use of polished stone tools.

What great advancements were made during the Paleolithic era and the Neolithic era?

In the Paleolithic era, advancements included the development of stone tools, control of fire, and rudimentary art such as cave paintings. In the Neolithic era, major advancements included the shift from hunting and gathering to farming, domestication of animals, pottery making, and the establishment of permanent settlements.

Related questions

What is the border cave invented in the Paleolithic era or neolithic era?

The Border Cave dates back to the Middle Stone Age, which is part of the Paleolithic era. It is located in the Lebombo Mountains on the border between South Africa and Eswatini. The cave contains evidence of early human occupation and is known for its archaeological significance in revealing information about human behavior and development during that time period.

Did the neolithic age do cave art?

Yes, cave art originated during the Upper Paleolithic period, which predates the Neolithic age. Neolithic cultures focused more on agriculture and domestication of animals, while cave art is associated with hunter-gatherer societies.

What is the difference between Paleolithic and neolithic art?

During the Paleolithic era, or the old stone age, art took the form on cave paintings and often depicted a nomadic way of life. During the Neolithic era, as people become more stationary, they began creating their art on walls.

What were Paleolithic crafts?

Paleolithic craftwork was practical rather than decorative; it included such things as flint tools (knives, awls, etc.) and basic pottery.

How besides dates do scientists differentiate between the Paleolithic Mesolithic and Neolithic periods?

Scientists differentiate between the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods by examining changes in tools and technology, such as the shift from simple stone tools in the Paleolithic to more complex tools in the Mesolithic and Neolithic. They also look at changes in human settlement patterns, such as the transition from nomadic hunting and gathering to settled farming communities in the Neolithic. Additionally, changes in art and symbolic expression, such as cave paintings, can also help to distinguish between these periods.

What are the differences between neolithic and Paleolithic civilizations?

The Paleolithic period was characterized by hunter-gatherer societies, simple tools, and cave paintings, while the Neolithic period saw the transition to settled agriculture, domestication of animals, and the development of more complex social structures. Neolithic civilizations were also known for the emergence of permanent settlements, pottery, and the use of polished stone tools.

What great advancements were made during the Paleolithic era and the Neolithic era?

In the Paleolithic era, advancements included the development of stone tools, control of fire, and rudimentary art such as cave paintings. In the Neolithic era, major advancements included the shift from hunting and gathering to farming, domestication of animals, pottery making, and the establishment of permanent settlements.

What is the differences between paleolithic Mesolithic and neolithic eras?

The Paleolithic era is characterized by the use of stone tools, hunting and gathering lifestyle, and cave art. The Mesolithic era saw the development of more advanced tools and the beginning of domestication of plants and animals. The Neolithic era is known for the widespread adoption of agriculture, settled communities, pottery, and the establishment of early civilizations.

How did lifestyle changes between Paleolithic and Neolithic populations affect art and architecture?

The transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic lifestyles led to settled communities, agriculture, and more stable living conditions. This shift allowed for the development of more complex and permanent forms of art and architecture, such as pottery, megalithic structures, and intricate cave paintings, reflecting the shift in societal organization and cultural expression.

Did cave men invent the wheel?

No, cave men did not invent the wheel. The wheel was likely first invented in Mesopotamia around 3500 BC. Early humans may have used round objects like tree trunks for rolling, but the invention of the true wheel is attributed to later civilizations like the Mesopotamians.

Sculptures and cave paintings were a development of which period?

Sculptures and cave paintings were a development of Paleolithic period.

What are the most interesting paintings in the lascaux cave?

lascaux is a cave. The drawings are either Paleolithic or Neolithic, I believe. The drawings are of hunters and beasts and things like that.