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Hernan Cortes captured Montezuma for the second time in June 1520 during the Siege of Tenochtitlan. The capture occurred after a series of escalating conflicts between the Spanish and the Aztecs.

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Q: When did Herman Cortes capture Montezuma second?
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Who was the Aztec leader when Cortes came?

The answer is Montezuma the second.

Who was the Aztec chief when Cortes conquered the Aztecs?

Montezuma or Moctezuma or Moteuczoma or even Motecuhzoma the second.

Who was the leader of the Aztec when Hernan Cortes arrived in the empire?

Th leader was Moctezuma/Montezuma as he was the one smart enough to hear about the Spanish's plan.By Liv xxIt was Montezuma the Second.

Who was the leader of the Aztecs when the Europeans first arrived in the area?

Moctezuma Xocoyotzin

Who was Montezuma second?

an Aztec ruler!!!!!!!!!!

Why was Cortes able to defeat the powerful Aztecs?

Montezuma read he aztec calendar said that there were going to be a god named It was predicted that the god would have "So they treated Cortes and his people as gods. Later on Cortes was treated as roalty. He was now friends with the king of the aztecs Montezuma. But Cortes held Montezuma captive so the aztecs would give him gold and jewelery. So montezuma went out to the crowd to calm them down but then got hit by a rock and died. So now Cortes was in trouble and had to get out. Only half of his men (including) himself made it out. Later on they went back and took over with more guys, guns, and other weapons. He new if he captured montezuma then he could get what ever he wanted. But his plan back fired. But he went back and conquerd the aztec empire

Why did Montezuma second welcome Hernan Cortes when the Spanish conquistadors first arrived?

There is a common misconception stating that Aztecs confused the Spaniards for gods; in fact the Aztecs knew they were men, but were curious to find out what were their motives. Unfortunately, Cortes and his conquistadors were greedy conquerors in search for gold and ultimately destroyed the Aztec empire.

How was the Aztec empire defeated and by whom?

The Aztec empire was defeated by Hernando Cortez. He had a larger army and he allied with other groups.

Who was the Second Aztec Ruler?

Montezuma II

What was Montezuma the second before he came to rule?

Montezuma II was trained as a priest before he came to power in 1502

Who was the Aztec emperor when the conquistadors came?

Montezuma the Second

Who was the last king from the Aztecs?

Montezuma II (the second)