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In the Stone Age the major achievement was the development of tools.

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During the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic period), major achievements included the development of stone tools for hunting and gathering, the control and use of fire for cooking and warmth, the creation of cave paintings as a form of early art and expression, and the development of social structures and communication among early human communities.

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Q: What were the major achievements in human history during the old stone age?
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What were the three major achievements in human history during the old stone age?

During the Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic period, three major achievements were the development of stone tools, the control of fire for cooking and warmth, and the emergence of early forms of social organization and communication among early humans.

What where the major achievements in human history during the old stone age?

During the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic period, major achievements included the invention of stone tools, the control of fire for warmth and cooking, the development of language for communication, and the creation of cave art for symbolic expression and communication. These advancements laid the foundation for human survival, adaptation, and cultural evolution during this period.

Whag are the achievements of Paleolithic and neolithic age?

Paleolithic achievements include the development of tools like stone axes and the control of fire. Neolithic achievements include the transition to agriculture, domestication of animals, and the development of permanent settlements. These advancements marked major shifts in human society towards more complex and settled lifestyles.

What revolution occurred during the new stone age?

The Neolithic Revolution was a major turning point in human history where hunter-gatherer societies began transitioning to settled agricultural communities. This shift led to the development of farming, domestication of animals, and permanent settlements. It greatly impacted social, economic, and technological advancements during the New Stone Age.

What major clues to the past are studied in science of archaeology?

Archaeologists study artifacts, structures, and environmental evidence to understand past human activities, societies, and environments. These clues help reveal information about ancient cultures, technologies, beliefs, interactions, and ways of life. By analyzing these remains, archaeologists reconstruct the past and gain insight into human history.

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What were the three major achievements in human history during the old stone age?

During the Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic period, three major achievements were the development of stone tools, the control of fire for cooking and warmth, and the emergence of early forms of social organization and communication among early humans.

What where the major achievements in human history during the old stone age?

During the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic period, major achievements included the invention of stone tools, the control of fire for warmth and cooking, the development of language for communication, and the creation of cave art for symbolic expression and communication. These advancements laid the foundation for human survival, adaptation, and cultural evolution during this period.

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