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Some advantages of a tribal system include a strong sense of community and support network, clear social hierarchy and roles, efficient decision-making processes, and preservation of cultural traditions and values.

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Q: What were the advantages of a tribal system?
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Imagine that you are a historian wanting to find out about how agriculture changed in a remote tribal area after independence list the different ways in which you would find information on?

Conduct interviews with tribal elders and community members to gather oral histories and firsthand accounts of agricultural practices before and after independence. Explore government archives or official reports detailing agricultural policies, initiatives, and data specific to the tribal area. Study academic research or publications on the history of agriculture in the region to gain insights into changes over time. Visit the tribal area to observe current agricultural practices, speak with local farmers, and witness firsthand the impact of historical changes on agriculture.

How did the Seljuks build their empire?

The Seljuks built their empire through military conquests and alliances, gaining control of the Abbasid Caliphate and expanding into Anatolia and Persia. They established a system of governance that blended Persian administrative practices with Turkish tribal structures, which helped them consolidate power and maintain control over their territories. Additionally, the Seljuks made strategic marriages with local rulers to strengthen their influence in the region.

What are the advantages of an archipelago?

what are the advantages of the archipelago?

Who Was a tile held by local leaders in the area?

A title held by local leaders in the area could have been "village chief" or "tribal elder." These roles were often responsible for governing and making decisions for the community.

What were some advantages and disadvantages to aboriginal groups of the European exploration?

Advantages included access to new goods, weapons, and technology. However, disadvantages included loss of land, disease epidemics, warfare, and forced assimilation into European culture.

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What is a tribal hierarchy?

A tribal hierarchy refers to the system of organizing and ranking individuals within a tribal community based on factors such as age, lineage, status, or achievements. This system helps to establish authority, maintain order, and allocate resources within the tribe. Traditionally, tribal hierarchies are characterized by a chief or leader at the top, followed by various levels of advisors, warriors, elders, and common members.