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the costs and benefits was a chance of finding riches

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Peyton Beahan

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1y ago
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4mo ago

Costs of expeditions for explorers included potential dangers, such as harsh environments, lack of resources, and encounters with hostile indigenous peoples. Benefits for explorers included the opportunity for fame, wealth, and expanding knowledge of the world. Sponsors incurred costs for outfitting and supporting expeditions, but could benefit from new trade routes, resources, and territories.

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Q: What were some of the costs and benefits of expeditions for explorer's and sponsors?
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What were some of the cost and benefits of expeditions for explorers and there sponsors?

Costs of expeditions included financial investment, physical risks to explorers, and potential conflicts with indigenous populations. Benefits included the potential for discovering new resources, claiming new territories, expanding trade routes, and gaining fame and prestige for both explorers and sponsors.

What were the costs and benefits of expeditions for the explors and their sponsors?

They received large sums of money also called grants.

What were the costs and benfits for explorers and there sponcers?

Explorers in history incurred costs such as financial investment for equipment and supplies, risks of illness or injury, and the potential for loss of life. However, they also stood to gain benefits such as fame, wealth from discoveries, opportunities for trade, and increased knowledge of new territories and cultures. Sponsors, on the other hand, would typically provide funding, supplies, and support in exchange for potential financial returns, territorial expansion, and prestige.

What were some costs and benefits of the Lewis and clark expedition?

Costs of the Lewis and Clark expedition included challenging and dangerous conditions, such as harsh weather, rough terrain, and encounters with hostile Native American tribes. Benefits of the expedition included expanding knowledge of the American West, establishing diplomatic relations with Native American tribes, and providing valuable information for future exploration and settlement.

Who should pay the costs of cleaning up Herculaneum?

The responsibility for cleaning up Herculaneum, an ancient Roman city destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, should primarily fall on the Italian government. As the custodian of historical and cultural heritage sites, it has a duty to preserve and protect such significant locations. Additionally, funding from international organizations and tourism revenue could also contribute to the costs of the cleanup.

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What were some of the costs and benefits of expeditions for explorers and sponsors?

the costs and benefits was a chance of finding riches

What were some of the costs and the benefits of expeditions for explorers and sponsors?

the costs and benefits was a chance of finding riches

What were some of costs and benefits of expeditions for explorers and sponsors?

the costs and benefits was a chance of finding riches

What were some costs and benefits of expeditions for explorers and sponsors?

the costs and benefits was a chance of finding riches

What were some costs and benefits of the expeditions of explorers and their sponsors?

They received large sums of money also called grants.

What were some of the costs and benefits of expeditions of explorers and their sponsors?

They received large sums of money also called grants.

What were some of the costs and benefits for expeditions for explorers and their sponsors?

They received large sums of money also called grants.

What were some of the costs and benefits of the expeditions for explorers and their sponsors?

They received large sums of money also called grants.

What were some of the costs and benefits of expeditions for explorers and their sponsors?

They received large sums of money also called grants.

What were some of the cost and benefits of expeditions for explorers and there sponsors?

Costs of expeditions included financial investment, physical risks to explorers, and potential conflicts with indigenous populations. Benefits included the potential for discovering new resources, claiming new territories, expanding trade routes, and gaining fame and prestige for both explorers and sponsors.

What were some of the costs and benefits of explorers and sponsors?

the costs and benefits was a chance of finding riches

What were some of the benefits of expedition of explorers and sponsors?

the costs and benefits was a chance of finding riches