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The development of agriculture was the most important step in the advancement of civilization during the Neolithic Era. It allowed societies to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities, leading to the growth of population, development of complex social structures, and specialization of labor. Agriculture also laid the foundation for the rise of advanced civilizations by providing a stable food supply.

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Q: What was the most important step in the advancement of civilization during the Neolithic Era?
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This modern image illustrates which concept that arose during the Neolithic period?

The concept of agriculture, which emerged during the Neolithic period, is depicted in this modern image. Agriculture was a major advancement in human civilization during this time as people shifted from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle and began cultivating crops and domesticating animals.

Use Neolithic in a sentence?

The discovery of agriculture was a significant advancement during the Neolithic period.

What metals was used by Neolithic people for tools?

Neolithic people used metals such as copper, bronze, and later iron for making tools. These metals were important advancements in tool-making during the Neolithic period, allowing for more efficient agriculture and craftsmanship. The transition from stone tools to metal tools marked a significant technological advancement in human history.

How was the Neolithic period diffrent from the Paleolithic period?

The Neolithic period followed the Paleolithic period and was characterized by the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, and the establishment of permanent settlements. This shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a sedentary agricultural lifestyle marked a significant advancement in human civilization during the Neolithic period.

What metals were used by neolithic people for tools?

Neolithic people used metals like copper, arsenical copper, and sometimes gold for making tools. These early metals were often cold-hammered into shape to create objects such as daggers, axes, and ornaments. The development of metalworking during the Neolithic period marked an important technological advancement in human history.

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What was the most most important step in the advancement of civilization during the Neolithic Era?


This modern image illustrates which concept that arose during the Neolithic period?

The concept of agriculture, which emerged during the Neolithic period, is depicted in this modern image. Agriculture was a major advancement in human civilization during this time as people shifted from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle and began cultivating crops and domesticating animals.

Use Neolithic in a sentence?

The discovery of agriculture was a significant advancement during the Neolithic period.

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What metals was used by Neolithic people for tools?

Neolithic people used metals such as copper, bronze, and later iron for making tools. These metals were important advancements in tool-making during the Neolithic period, allowing for more efficient agriculture and craftsmanship. The transition from stone tools to metal tools marked a significant technological advancement in human history.

How was the Neolithic period diffrent from the Paleolithic period?

The Neolithic period followed the Paleolithic period and was characterized by the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, and the establishment of permanent settlements. This shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a sedentary agricultural lifestyle marked a significant advancement in human civilization during the Neolithic period.

What metals were used by neolithic people for tools?

Neolithic people used metals like copper, arsenical copper, and sometimes gold for making tools. These early metals were often cold-hammered into shape to create objects such as daggers, axes, and ornaments. The development of metalworking during the Neolithic period marked an important technological advancement in human history.

What commodity was most important during the Neolithic Age?


Which metals were used first in the neolithic age?

The Neolithic Age saw the use of copper as one of the first metals. This was followed by the discovery and use of bronze, which is an alloy of copper and tin. The use of bronze marked a significant advancement in technology and craftsmanship during the Neolithic period.

What advancement was made during the Neolithic Age?

One significant advancement made during the Neolithic Age was the development of agriculture. This shift from hunting and gathering to cultivation of crops and domestication of animals led to the establishment of settled communities and the development of more complex societies. It also allowed for a more reliable and abundant food supply, which contributed to population growth.

Did the Mesopotamian civilization develop during the paleolithic era?

No, the Mesopotamian civilization developed during the Neolithic era, specifically around 10,000 BCE when people in the region began to transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities. The Paleolithic era, characterized by nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyles, preceded the Neolithic era.

How are society megaliths and neolithic era related?

Megaliths, large stone structures, were built during the Neolithic era by societies as burial sites or for religious purposes. They reflect the social organization, technological advancement, and belief systems of the Neolithic people. These megalithic structures indicate a level of social complexity and shared cultural practices within Neolithic societies.