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The main Inca public works project was the construction of a network of roads known as the Inca Road System, or Qhapaq Ñan. This extensive network of roads and bridges connected the various regions of the Inca Empire, facilitating communication, trade, and military movement.

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Q: What was the main Inca public works project?
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What were the Inca instruments called?

Some of the main Inca instruments were the antara (panpipe), quena (flute), pututu (large shell trumpet), and wankar (drum). These instruments were used for ceremonial and ritual purposes as well as for entertainment and communication.

What are the main crops the Inca harvested?

The Inca primarily harvested maize (corn), potatoes, quinoa, and beans as their main crops. Maize was considered a staple food and was used in various dishes. Potatoes were also an essential part of their diet and were grown in different varieties and colors.

What was fransisco pizarros goal of the exploration?

Francisco Pizarro's main goal of exploration was to conquer the Inca Empire in South America and claim its riches for Spain. He led expeditions that eventually led to the downfall of the Inca civilization and the establishment of Spanish control in the region.

What were the main uses the Inca had for silver and gold?

The Inca primarily used silver and gold for religious and ceremonial purposes, such as creating intricate jewelry, ornaments, and artifacts for religious ceremonies and offerings to the gods. They also used these precious metals to decorate temples and imperial palaces as a sign of wealth and power. Additionally, silver and gold were used as a form of currency and as a means of storing value in the Inca Empire.

What was the main purpose of the incan roads?

The main purpose of the Incan roads, known as the Qhapaq Ñan, was to facilitate communication, trade, and transportation throughout the Inca Empire. These roads connected the vast territories of the empire, enabling the movement of goods, people, and information efficiently across diverse landscapes.

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