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One main discovery of hunter-gatherers was the ability to control fire. This discovery was used for warmth, cooking food, protection against predators, and later as a tool for shaping tools and creating new technologies.

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Q: What was one of the main discoveries of hunter-gatherers and how was it used the ansr?
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Which element is used for archaeological discoveries?

Carbon-14 dating is commonly used in archaeology to determine the age of organic materials, such as bone and charcoal. This method measures the radioactive decay of carbon-14 isotopes in the sample to estimate its age.

What did the discoveries of the granary weights and a scale tell historians about mohenjodaro?

The discoveries of granary weights and a scale at Mohenjodaro suggest that the Indus Valley Civilization had a sophisticated system for measuring and trading goods. This indicates a structured economy and a level of organization within the society. It also provides insights into the daily life and economic activities of the people living in Mohenjodaro.

What tools did Jacques Cartier use?

Jacques Cartier used navigation tools such as compasses, astrolabes, and cross staffs to help navigate the seas. He also used maps, charts, and logbooks to keep track of his voyages and discoveries. Additionally, he employed basic tools for ship maintenance and survival, such as ropes, sails, and anchors.

What is the portable antiquities scheme?

The Portable Antiquities Scheme is a voluntary program in the United Kingdom that encourages the recording of archaeological objects found by the public. It helps to document and preserve archaeological discoveries made by metal detectorists, field walkers, and others. The information collected is used for research and to enhance our understanding of the past.

What method did Jacques Cartier use to explore?

Jacques Cartier explored new territories by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. He used ships to navigate the waterways, such as the St. Lawrence River, to reach new lands and make important discoveries in North America. Cartier's expeditions were funded by the French monarchy in the early 16th century.

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