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Most Egyptian tombs were so picked over by thieves so it was a big shock when King Tut's tomb was found intact. The tomb had much gold and actual mummies inside of gold caskets.

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The Egyptian tomb of Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, contained a vast array of treasures and artifacts, including his golden burial mask, jewelry, chariots, and furniture. The discovery of his tomb in 1922 by Howard Carter provided valuable insights into the burial practices and beliefs of ancient Egyptians.

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Q: What was found when the Egyptian tomb was unsealed?
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Cleopatra's tomb has not been found, so we don't know. However it's highly likely that there was a curse of some type on her tomb as a curse against anyone entering the tomb once it was sealed was a standard Egyptian burial practice meant to discourage grave robbers.Cleopatra's tomb has not been found, so we don't know. However it's highly likely that there was a curse of some type on her tomb as a curse against anyone entering the tomb once it was sealed was a standard Egyptian burial practice meant to discourage grave robbers.Cleopatra's tomb has not been found, so we don't know. However it's highly likely that there was a curse of some type on her tomb as a curse against anyone entering the tomb once it was sealed was a standard Egyptian burial practice meant to discourage grave robbers.Cleopatra's tomb has not been found, so we don't know. However it's highly likely that there was a curse of some type on her tomb as a curse against anyone entering the tomb once it was sealed was a standard Egyptian burial practice meant to discourage grave robbers.Cleopatra's tomb has not been found, so we don't know. However it's highly likely that there was a curse of some type on her tomb as a curse against anyone entering the tomb once it was sealed was a standard Egyptian burial practice meant to discourage grave robbers.Cleopatra's tomb has not been found, so we don't know. However it's highly likely that there was a curse of some type on her tomb as a curse against anyone entering the tomb once it was sealed was a standard Egyptian burial practice meant to discourage grave robbers.Cleopatra's tomb has not been found, so we don't know. However it's highly likely that there was a curse of some type on her tomb as a curse against anyone entering the tomb once it was sealed was a standard Egyptian burial practice meant to discourage grave robbers.Cleopatra's tomb has not been found, so we don't know. However it's highly likely that there was a curse of some type on her tomb as a curse against anyone entering the tomb once it was sealed was a standard Egyptian burial practice meant to discourage grave robbers.Cleopatra's tomb has not been found, so we don't know. However it's highly likely that there was a curse of some type on her tomb as a curse against anyone entering the tomb once it was sealed was a standard Egyptian burial practice meant to discourage grave robbers.