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Historians study a wide range of evidence, including primary sources such as documents, artifacts, maps, and photographs. They also analyze secondary sources such as books and journal articles written by other historians. Additionally, historians may consider oral history interviews, archaeological findings, and statistical data to piece together a more comprehensive understanding of the past.

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Q: What types of evidence do historians study?
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What are two types of evidence that historians use?

Historians use primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or original documents from the time period being studied, and secondary sources, which are interpretations or analyses of primary sources by other historians. Both types of evidence are important in constructing an accurate and comprehensive understanding of historical events.

What kind of evidence will historians of the future study to learn about your cultur?

Technology and electronics will be one of the major pieces of evidence that future historians will study of our generation and culture.

What kinds of scholars study the past and how do they get their evidence?

Historians study the past by analyzing written records, documents, and artifacts to understand past events. Archaeologists study the past by excavating and analyzing physical remains like pottery, tools, and structures to reconstruct past societies. Anthropologists study human culture and society, often focusing on traditional lifeways, beliefs, and customs passed down through generations.

How do historians analyze evidence?

Historians analyze evidence by examining its reliability, relevance, and context. They assess the source of the evidence, its bias, and corroborating or contradictory evidence to form a well-supported interpretation of the past. Additionally, historians use critical thinking skills to evaluate the perspectives and motives of the sources providing the evidence.

What do you call historians who dig up evidence?

Historians who dig up evidence are often referred to as archaeologists. Archaeologists study past human societies through the recovery and analysis of material culture and environmental data. They excavate sites, analyze artifacts, and interpret their findings to understand more about ancient civilizations.

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What Kinds of evidence will historians of the future study to learn about your culture?

i think, they will study what we did in life

What kind of evidence will historians of the future study to learn about your culture?

i think, they will study what we did in life

What kind of evidence will historians of the future study to learn about your future?

i think, they will study what we did in life

To properly study the human races past all five types of historians be used true or false?

There are more than five types of historians that study the human race. The more historians that look at the challenges and triumphs of the human race, the more insight they can give.

How historians study the past?

Historians study the past by studying the previous recorded events of the past activities. They use both the scientific and traditional methods to gather such information which they then use to compile their documentary evidence.

What are two types of evidence that historians use?

Historians use primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or original documents from the time period being studied, and secondary sources, which are interpretations or analyses of primary sources by other historians. Both types of evidence are important in constructing an accurate and comprehensive understanding of historical events.

Why do historians look for evidence about the distant past in myths and legend?

Historians look for evidence about the distant past in myths and legends because myths and legends tell what people believed and understood. Historians study by looking at journals, data, diaries etc., to learn information.

What kind of evidence do historians use to study the past?

they use the evidence from the past that will tell them what exactly happened, or they ask people who were at that certain place and time.

What kind of evidence will historians of the future study to learn about your cultur?

Technology and electronics will be one of the major pieces of evidence that future historians will study of our generation and culture.

What do historians study?

they study the history of our world and the continents such as america

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Why do historians study world history?

Historians study world history to gain knowledge......