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Silver and gold.

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The Spaniards were primarily looking for gold and silver in the Aztec empire. They were drawn by stories of the Aztecs' abundant reserves of these precious metals, which played a significant role in their conquest and colonization of the region.

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Q: What two precious metals were the Spaniards looking for in the Aztec empire?
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What were explorers in Colorado looking for?

Explorers who came to Colorado in the past were looking for various things such as precious metals like gold and silver, new routes for trade and commerce, fertile lands for agriculture, and new territories to settle and establish colonies or communities.

What impact did the exports of precious metals have on indigenous peoples of the Americas?

The export of precious metals from the Americas led to the exploitation and displacement of indigenous peoples as European powers sought to extract wealth from the region. This resulted in forced labor, violence, and the destruction of indigenous societies and cultures. Additionally, the influx of precious metals fueled inflation and economic disruption in Europe.

What do the Incas do for a living?

The Incas were primarily agriculturalists, cultivating crops like maize, potatoes, and quinoa. They also engaged in mining for precious metals such as gold and silver. Additionally, they were skilled weavers and traded goods within their empire.

What were explorers looking for when they began their quests?

Explorers were primarily searching for new trade routes, valuable resources such as spices and precious metals, new lands for settlement, and to expand their empires. Additionally, explorers were driven by a sense of curiosity and a desire for adventure and fame.

Why did the Spanish melt down the gold and silver artifacts from the conquest?

The Spanish melted down the gold and silver artifacts from the conquest to send the precious metals back to Spain for profit and to meet the high demand for precious metals in Europe. This process allowed them to extract the actual value of the materials.

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Where can you find the best prices on precious metals?

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Who works with precious stones and metals?

Jewelers work with precious metals and stones.

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A jeweler works with precious metals and stones.

When was Monex Precious Metals created?

Monex Precious Metals was created in 1967.

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Precious metals

Why did roman coins decrease?

Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.

What is the difference between real estate collectibles precious gems and precious metals?

PRECIOUS GEMS ARE HARDER TO FIND, while metals are differenterer

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What is non precious metals?

Non-precious metals, such as copper, aluminum, iron, nickel, zinc, tin, lead, and titanium, are common industrial materials that lack the rarity and high value of precious metals like gold and silver.

What is the Luhya translation of precious metals?

The Luhya translation of the English words 'precious metals' is "efichuma fie ebeyi."

Which two metals were the Spaniards searching for?

Gold and silver

What precious metals are inert?

All precious metals except two are inert, do not naturally react The two which are not Rhenium and Osmium