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The Inca civilization in South America practiced advanced medical techniques and surgery, including skull surgery known as trepanation. They used natural remedies, such as coca leaves, and had a strong understanding of herbal medicine for treating various ailments. Additionally, the Inca had a well-organized system of healers known as amautas who played a significant role in providing medical care to their community.

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Q: What pre-columbian civilization practiced medicine and surgery?
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What are the different jobs available in the field of veterinary medicine?

Some common jobs in veterinary medicine include veterinarians who diagnose and treat animals, veterinary technicians who assist with procedures and provide nursing care, and veterinary assistants who help with basic animal care tasks. Other roles include veterinary specialists who focus on specific areas like surgery or dentistry, as well as veterinary researchers who conduct studies to improve animal health.

How long for a cuneiform fracture surgery healing time?

Recovery time for a cuneiform fracture surgery can vary depending on the severity of the fracture, method of treatment, and individual healing capabilities. In general, it can take several weeks to a few months to fully recover from the surgery. Physical therapy and rehabilitation may also be needed to regain strength and function in the foot.

How did the Inca contribute to modern society?

Thank you for such a beautiful question! I'm part Inca myself! The Inca empire contributes to modern society in many different ways. Food was one of the many, i'm sure you've had tomato's of potatoes. These were brought over to Europe from what now is called Peru. Another big part that it contributed to our society was it's art. Architecture was by far one of the most important Inca arts. The Ina's built large beautiful structures such as Machu Pichu, one of the Seven wonders of the World. Many people now-a-days get inspiration from the art of the Inca's. The Inca's were also very skilled in medicine. The Inca's could successfully preform skull surgery with a 80-90% chance of survival. Before the Inca's not even half the chance of survival was possible. The Inca's contributed in medicine and surgery, they also made many discoveries in medicine. Hope this helps! The Inca's contributed quite a lot to modern society, everything listed has made an impact on our daily lives.

What is the difference between Mayan and Inca temples?

Mayan temples were typically built with stone blocks and featured elaborate carvings and hieroglyphs, while Inca temples were constructed using a technique called ashlar masonry with precisely cut stones that fit together perfectly without mortar. Inca temples also often incorporated trapezoidal shapes and were designed to withstand earthquakes. Additionally, Mayan temples were primarily dedicated to religious ceremonies, while Inca temples served as political and administrative centers as well.

Who are antrectomies performed?

Antrectomies are performed to remove the lower part of the stomach, which is known as the antrum. This type of surgery is often done to treat certain stomach conditions, such as peptic ulcers or cancer. It can also be done as part of weight loss surgery procedures.

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What is a degree in medicine?

MD degree in Medicine authorizes to prescribe medicine and not to perform surgery.

What is the full form of M B B S?

Bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery.

What does ChB after a doctor's name mean?

ChB or BChir stands for Bachelor of Surgery - historically this was written chirurgery. This may mean that the doctor qualified in the uk, or possibly another country which has adopted the same system of qualification. In the UK doctors on completing their medical studies are awarded two degrees, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. The reason for having two is that medicine and surgery historically used to be two completely separate disciplines, with medicine or physic practiced by highly trained physicians whilst surgery was carried out by barbers. Note that in Britain most doctors do not hold a doctorate degree; the title is purely honorary.

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It was a great civilization and they've practiced a lot with the human bodies while mummyfying the dead. Other cultures didn't dare to cut their dead mates and they had no idea what a man has inside of him and if it could be repaired.

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. Mb - batchelors in medicine ChB - batchelors in surgery

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What is full form of MBBS?

Bachelor of Medicine; Bachelor of Surgery OR Master in Medicines Master Of Surgery.

What stand for mbbs?

Bachelor Of Medicine , Bachelor Of Surgery.

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What is fullform of mbbs?

bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery

MBBS stands for?

bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery