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The people on the expedition who were important included the expedition leader, key navigators, skilled hunters or gatherers, experienced climbers or mountaineers, and knowledgeable scientists or researchers. Each member brought a unique set of skills and expertise crucial for the success of the expedition.

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Q: What people on the expedition were important?
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Why was Robert lasalles expedition important?

Robert de La Salle's expedition was important for several reasons. He claimed the Mississippi River and its surrounding territories for France, contributing to the French expansion in North America. This ultimately had a significant impact on the colonization and exploration of the region. La Salle's expedition also helped establish trade networks and alliances with Native American tribes in the area.

What was the most important result of Hernando expedition?

Hernando Cortes' expedition resulted in the defeat of the Aztec Empire and the conquest of Mexico. This conquest led to the establishment of Spanish colonization in the region and the eventual decline of indigenous civilizations.

Who were important members of the pike expedition?

Important members of the Pike Expedition included its leader Zebulon Pike, his second in command James Biddle Wilkinson, their guide Pierre Dorion, Jr., and interpreter Francois Vasquez. These individuals played key roles in the exploration of the southwestern United States between 1806 and 1807.

Who did Lewis and clark bring along on there expedition?

Lewis and Clark brought a group of about 30 people on their expedition, including soldiers, interpreters, scouts, and a Shoshone woman named Sacagawea and her husband Toussaint Charbonneau. Sacagawea played a crucial role in the success of the expedition by serving as an interpreter and guide.

What was Juan rodiguez cabrillo's expedition?

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo led the first European expedition to explore the west coast of North America in 1542 on behalf of the Spanish Empire. His expedition traveled up the coast of present-day California, reaching as far north as what is now Oregon before Cabrillo's death. This journey provided important information about the geography of the region.

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What was the most important result in the expedition?

he most important thing about The Lewis & Clark Expedition was that it led to active learning through exploration. The expedition describes the journey of Lewis and Clark during the Louisiana

What was probaly the most important result of the expedition?

the most important thing about The Lewis & Clark Expedition was that it led to active learning through exploration. The expedition describes the journey of Lewis and Clark during the Louisiana

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he did

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What was one of the most important result of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

They learned there was no Northwest passage and found plants, animals, and people they didn’t know about.

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its caled an expedition

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about 400 people

Why was Sacajawea important in the Lewis and clark expedition?

your mom XD

Why is sacagewea important?

because she guided Lewis and clark during the expedition

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Where there anything important that happen with Robert Scott on Terra Nova expedition?

Most importantly, Robert Falcon Scott lost his life on this expedition.