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because he loves to explor

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William Baffin was motivated to become an explorer by a sense of adventure and a desire to discover new lands and waterways. He was also driven by a desire to map uncharted territories and open up new trade routes for England.

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Why did abel tasman become a explorer?

Abel Tasman became an explorer because he was commissioned by the Dutch East India Company to search for new trade routes and territories in the South Pacific. He was motivated by the potential for wealth and glory that came with discovering new lands and expanding European territories.

Why did martin frobisher become a explorer?

Martin Frobisher became an explorer in search of the Northwest Passage, a sea route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. He hoped to find a faster trade route to Asia for England. Additionally, he was motivated by the potential for fame and fortune that successful exploration could bring.

What made him become an explorer?

He became an explorer due to his curiosity about the world and a desire for adventure. He was inspired by stories of other explorers and wanted to discover new lands, cultures, and resources.

Why did david Thompson become an explorer?

David Thompson became an explorer because he had a passion for adventure, mapping new territories, and expanding geographical knowledge. He was also hired by the North West Company to survey and map the fur-trading routes in North America.

How did Henry Kelsey become a explorer?

Henry Kelsey became an explorer by joining the Hudson's Bay Company in 1684. He was tasked with exploring and expanding the fur trade in the Canadian wilderness, which led him on numerous expeditions into the interior of North America. Kelsey's explorations helped open up new territories and trading opportunities for the Hudson's Bay Company.

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Why did abel tasman become a explorer?

Abel Tasman became an explorer because he was commissioned by the Dutch East India Company to search for new trade routes and territories in the South Pacific. He was motivated by the potential for wealth and glory that came with discovering new lands and expanding European territories.

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Roald Amundsen became an explorer because of his fascination with the unknown and his desire to challenge himself. He was driven by a thirst for adventure and discovery, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible in exploration. His competitive nature also motivated him to achieve notable feats such as being the first to reach the South Pole.

Why did Matthew Henson become a explorer?

he might love being a explorer

Why did Walter Raleigh become a explorer?

Walter Raleigh became an explorer to expand England's influence and power by discovering new territories and establishing colonies. He was also motivated by the potential for wealth and glory that came with discovering new lands and resources. Additionally, exploration provided an opportunity for advancement and recognition in the royal court and society.

Why did martin frobisher become a explorer?

Martin Frobisher became an explorer in search of the Northwest Passage, a sea route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. He hoped to find a faster trade route to Asia for England. Additionally, he was motivated by the potential for fame and fortune that successful exploration could bring.

How did Leif Ericson become an explorer?

His father, Erik the Red, was already an explorer.