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New ideas can lead to the development of innovative tools that can enhance efficiency, convenience, and overall quality of life for individuals. By creating tools that address specific needs or problems, new ideas can drive progress and make a positive impact on society.

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Q: What is the use of new ideas to make tools that improve people's lives?
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Continue Learning about Archaeology

How did the early peoples of the Americas get tools?

Early peoples of the Americas got tools by crafting them from natural materials like stone, wood, bone, and shells. They used techniques such as chipping, grinding, and polishing to shape these materials into tools for hunting, farming, and other activities. Over time, these tools became more advanced as their technology and craftsmanship improved.

Why did nomadic peoples shun the use of pottery?

Nomadic peoples may have shunned pottery due to its fragility and weight, making it impractical to carry while traveling. Additionally, they may have prioritized more easily portable items and tools for survival and trade, such as animal hides or tools.

How did living in a rock environment affect acient peoples daily lives?

Living in a rock environment affected ancient people's daily lives by providing natural protection from the elements and potential dangers. Rocks were used for shelter, creating caves for living spaces and protection from predators. Additionally, rocks were used for tools, as building materials, and for creating barriers for defense.

What are scientists who study human artifacts to learn about past cultures?

They are archaeologists. They analyze artifacts such as tools, pottery, and structures to understand the lifestyles and behaviors of ancient peoples. By studying these remnants of past societies, archaeologists can reconstruct aspects of their daily lives, customs, and technologies.

What clues do bones and artifacts give about early peoples?

it very give clue

Related questions

In what way did neolithic peoples improve their lives?

They made new tools and they lived around 80,000 years ago

In what ways did Neolithic peoples dramatically improve their lives?

They made new tools and they lived around 80,000 years ago

How did sumerians used or change their environment to improve their lives?

they made tools to farm, they got technology, an they had scribes that knew how to write.

How Sumerians use or change their environment to improve their lives?

they made tools to farm, they got technology, an they had scribes that knew how to write.

What word means Peoples application knowledge tools and inventions to meet their needs?

Technology. It refers to the use of scientific knowledge, tools, and techniques to invent or improve products and services for the benefit of society.

What is building ships?

the peoples tools from long ago

Does anyone in the technical trade field have any ideas to improve exsisting electronic measuring and sensor tools or ideas for a new measuring and sensor tool?

This question may be a lead on for someone looking for an answer to submit scholarship application using someone else's idea.

What tools did the Iroquois tribe use?

Fingers (other peoples)

Why would the peoples and animals of Africa open europeans to new ideas?

The interaction between African peoples and animals with Europeans introduced new customs, technologies, goods, and knowledge to both parties. Europeans gained insights into African cultures and methods of survival, while Africans were exposed to European ideas such as new tools, goods, religious beliefs, and medical practices. This cultural exchange facilitated the sharing of ideas, leading to a broader understanding of different ways of life.

What tools did the aboriginal peoples of Cayuga use to build their homes?

what tools did the aboriginal people use to build their homes

How do tools that implement optical fibers improve medical care?

Tools with optical fibers improve medical care by allowing physicians to see inaccessible places

What can you know about early peoples from studying the tools they used?

We know from studying tools that early peoples were very successful with making the tool sharp and long enough to kill the prey/food. Hope i answer your question :)