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Çatalhöyük, located in modern-day Turkey, is one of the best-known Neolithic sites in the world. It dates back to around 7500 BCE and is known for its large settlement with well-preserved houses, intricate wall paintings, and evidence of early agricultural practices.

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Q: What is the name best known Neolithic site?
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What does catalhoyuk mean?

Catalhoyuk is an archaeological site located in modern-day Turkey that dates back to the Neolithic period. The name Catalhoyuk means "fork mound" in Turkish, referring to the site's location in a fork in the Konya Plain. It is one of the earliest known urban settlements in the world.

Why is scara brae important?

Skara Brae is important because it is one of the best-preserved Neolithic settlements in Europe, providing valuable insights into the daily life and architecture of prehistoric people. It offers a glimpse into the social organization, technology, and culture of the ancient inhabitants of Orkney. The site also serves as a significant historical and archaeological resource for studying the Neolithic period.

What Neolithic settlement is currently under excavation?

Çatalhöyük in Turkey is one of the most famous Neolithic settlements currently under excavation. It is a large archaeological site that provides valuable insights into the daily life and social organization of an ancient society.

Where did Scholars find a larger highly significant Neolithic urban center at?

Scholars found a larger, highly significant Neolithic urban center at Çatalhöyük in modern-day Turkey. This site is considered one of the oldest and most advanced Neolithic settlements, characterized by its large size, intricate layout, and evidence of social complexity. Its discovery has greatly expanded our understanding of early urban development and social organization during the Neolithic period.

How catalhuyuk exemplifies major developments of the Neolithic revolution?

Catalhoyuk, an ancient Neolithic site in Turkey, exemplifies major developments of the Neolithic revolution through its sedentary lifestyle, agricultural practices, and complex social organization. The settlement's permanent structures, reliance on agriculture for sustenance, and evidence of specialized labor indicate the shift from a nomadic to a settled way of life, a hallmark of the Neolithic era. Additionally, Catalhoyuk's social structure suggests the emergence of more complex societies with division of labor and stratification.

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What does catalhoyuk mean?

Catalhoyuk is an archaeological site located in modern-day Turkey that dates back to the Neolithic period. The name Catalhoyuk means "fork mound" in Turkish, referring to the site's location in a fork in the Konya Plain. It is one of the earliest known urban settlements in the world.

What is the significance of Catal Huyuk a Neolithic city found in modern-day Turkey?

Çatal Hüyuk was one of the earliest farming settlements ever found. It is the largest and best-preserved Neolithic site found to date, making it a great way to study society in the Neolithic period.

What is the significance of Catal Huyuk a Neolithic city found in modern day Turkey?

Çatal Hüyuk was one of the earliest farming settlements ever found. It is the largest and best-preserved Neolithic site found to date, making it a great way to study society in the Neolithic period.

What is the Single Site Theory?

Single site theory refers to a type of cultural growth. The most common cultural phenomenon that single site theory is applied to is the Neolithic Revolution. Archaeologists and anthropologists have argued that the Neolithic Revolution began at a single site.

Where did Neolithic people come from?

They came from preexisting paleolithic tribes who either lived at or migrated to whichever neolithic site you're talking about.

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The perfect mp3 site is mp3skull it is the best i have ever known.

What is catal huyuk where is it located and when was it built how will you display this information in your exhibit?

From Wikipedia: Catal Huyuk was a very large Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement in southern Anatolia, dating from around 7500 B.C. for the lowest layers. It is the largest and best preserved Neolithic site found to date.

Name the archeological site in England began that begun during the neolithic age completed the bronze age?

The Stonehenge baby ! = ) you should hmu though !

Where can you find the best name meaning sites?

The best site as of 2016 is called Behind the Name.

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