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King Arthur's legacy is that of a legendary British leader who symbolizes heroism, chivalry, and the quest for justice and unity. His story has inspired countless tales, poems, and adaptations in literature and art, shaping the ideals of courage and honor in Western culture. Despite the historical debate over his existence, King Arthur remains a powerful symbol of leadership and virtue.

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Q: What is the legacy of King Arthur?
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What was the greatest legacy King Arthur left?

King Arthur's greatest legacy was the ideal of chivalry and the pursuit of justice and righteousness. His story inspired countless tales of bravery and honor, shaping the values of medieval society and influencing literature and culture for centuries to come.

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Sir Bedivere discovers what appears to be King Arthur's grave at Glastonbury Abbey. He sees a tombstone inscribed with Arthur's name and the words "Here lies Arthur, the once and future king." This discovery symbolizes the legendary king's enduring legacy.

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King Arthur's greatest deed was leading the defense of Britain against invading forces. His legacy lies in his establishment of the Knights of the Round Table, promoting the ideals of chivalry and justice, and in the legendary quest for the Holy Grail, symbolizing his quest for spiritual purity and enlightenment.

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The lesson of King Arthur often revolves around themes of chivalry, integrity, leadership, and the search for truth and justice. It emphasizes the importance of honor, loyalty, and the impact of choices on an individual's legacy and the community they serve.

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King Arthur is a legendary king and did not exist.

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Who is the hero in the story of King Arthur?

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What has the author Samuel John Arthur written?

Samuel John Arthur has written: 'Lincoln's legacy, a tribute to the world's great commoner' 'Lincoln's legacy' -- subject(s): Poetry

King Arthur was an Anglo-Saxon king?

No. There are no records of a King Arthur in England, certainly not in Anglo-Saxon England.

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Who is kay in story of King Arthur?

Sir Kay is King Arthur's foster father's son and King Arthur's knight.