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Rock paintings from the Stone Age are prehistoric artworks created on natural rock surfaces using various techniques such as drawing, painting, and engraving. These artworks often depict scenes of animals, human figures, hunting scenes, and geometric patterns, providing valuable insights into the culture, beliefs, and daily lives of ancient societies. The paintings were created using natural pigments like red ochre, charcoal, and clay, and are found in caves, shelters, and rock walls around the world.

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Q: What is the definition of rock painting old stone age?
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What is old stone age rock painting?

Old Stone Age rock painting refers to the prehistoric cave paintings and rock art created by early humans during the Paleolithic period, which dates back thousands of years. These paintings depict various subjects such as animals, human figures, and abstract designs, and provide insight into the culture, beliefs, and daily life of ancient civilizations. They are found in caves and rock shelters across different regions of the world.

How did people use to make houses in the stone age?

In the Stone Age, people used materials such as wood, stone, and animal hides to construct their houses. Examples of Stone Age housing include caves, rock shelters, and huts made of branches or animal bones. These structures provided shelter and protection from the elements.

Which stone age did they have stone axes?

There has only been one Stone Age. The Stone Age refers to the era when man learnt to make tools and weapons from rock and stone. The Stone Age was between 6,000 BC and 2,500 BC for the majority of humanity, though some of humanity came out of the Stone Age early upon discovering metals.The three periods of the Stone Age are Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. It's difficult to determine exactly when stone axes started to appear exactly because different groups of humanity entered the Stone Age at different times. However it is believed the first axe may have been created during the middle of the Palaeolithic stage of the Stone Age.

Into what two parts is the Stone Age divided?

The Stone Age is divided into the Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) and the Neolithic Age (New Stone Age). The Paleolithic Age is characterized by the use of simple stone tools, while the Neolithic Age saw the development of agriculture and more complex tools and technologies.

How did the stone age get shelters?

During the Stone Age, people built shelters using materials like wood, stone, animal hides, and grass. These shelters provided protection from the elements and predators. They often consisted of simple structures such as caves, rock overhangs, huts, or teepees.

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a brief description of old stone age rock painting?

What is old stone age rock painting?

Old Stone Age rock painting refers to the prehistoric cave paintings and rock art created by early humans during the Paleolithic period, which dates back thousands of years. These paintings depict various subjects such as animals, human figures, and abstract designs, and provide insight into the culture, beliefs, and daily life of ancient civilizations. They are found in caves and rock shelters across different regions of the world.

Why painting was use in old stone age?

Painting was used in old stone age to help people in their hunting and in their everyday lives.

When was painting born?

In the caves of the Stone Age.

What do you call a stone age cave painting?


Who discovered stone rock?

The first person who discovered stone/rock was The Hunter Gatherers in the stone age.

Who started still life painting?

Someone in a Stone Age cave.

What was the first stone age weapon?

a rock.

Who invented mural painting?

Some Stone Age painter on a cave wall.

What type of technology is rock?

Stone-Age technology.

Another name for New Stone Age?

The Neolithic Neo=new lith= stone/rock