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Agriculture allowed communities to settle in one place and secure a stable food supply, which led to the development of permanent civilizations. It enabled the growth of larger populations, division of labor, and the emergence of social hierarchies and complex societies. Agriculture also facilitated the accumulation of surplus resources, which could support societal growth and advancements in technology, art, and governance.

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Q: What is the connection between agriculture and the development of permanent civilization?
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What did the development of agriculture allow early people to do?

The development of agriculture allowed early people to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled lifestyle. It provided them with a stable food source, which allowed for the development of permanent settlements and the growth of civilization. It also led to the development of more advanced technologies and social structures.

How did agriculture provide the primary economic foundation for civilization?

Agriculture provided the primary economic foundation for civilization by enabling a consistent and reliable food supply. It allowed humans to settle in one place, leading to the development of permanent settlements and the growth of complex societies. This shift from hunting and gathering to farming allowed for the specialization of labor, the establishment of trade networks, and the growth of civilization as we know it.

How did agriculture affect early people?

The development of agriculture allowed early people to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities. It provided a stable food source, enabling population growth and the establishment of permanent settlements. Agriculture also led to the development of more complex societies, specialized labor, and advancements in technology.

How did agriculture contribute to the creation of civilization?

Agriculture allowed people to settle in one place, leading to the development of permanent settlements. This led to the growth of population, specialization of labor, and the formation of social structures, which are key elements of civilization. Agriculture also provided a stable food supply, allowing civilizations to thrive and develop complex cultures and technologies.

How did the development of agriculture change the way early people lived?

The development of agriculture allowed early people to settle in one place, leading to the establishment of permanent villages and towns. It also provided a more stable food supply, enabling populations to grow. This transition from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle had profound impacts on social structures, technology, and overall human civilization.

Related questions

What did the development of agriculture allow early people to do?

The development of agriculture allowed early people to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled lifestyle. It provided them with a stable food source, which allowed for the development of permanent settlements and the growth of civilization. It also led to the development of more advanced technologies and social structures.

What lead to the development of agriculture?

The building of permanent settlements

What did the development of agriculture lead to?

The building of permanent settlements

What led to the building of permanent settlement?

the development of agriculture

How did agriculture provide the primary economic foundation for civilization?

Agriculture provided the primary economic foundation for civilization by enabling a consistent and reliable food supply. It allowed humans to settle in one place, leading to the development of permanent settlements and the growth of complex societies. This shift from hunting and gathering to farming allowed for the specialization of labor, the establishment of trade networks, and the growth of civilization as we know it.

How did agriculture affect early people?

The development of agriculture allowed early people to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities. It provided a stable food source, enabling population growth and the establishment of permanent settlements. Agriculture also led to the development of more complex societies, specialized labor, and advancements in technology.

How did the development of settled agriculture change Indian societies?

The development of settled agriculture in India led to the growth of permanent villages and the accumulation of surplus food. This allowed for population growth, the establishment of social hierarchies, and the emergence of complex civilizations, such as the Harappan civilization. Agriculture also influenced cultural and technological advancements, shaping the trajectory of Indian societies.

What was the direct result of the development of agriculture?

Permanent settlements were developed for the first time.

Was a direct result of the development of agriculture?

Permanent settlements were developed for the first time.

What is the relationship between cities and civilization?

If you mean generally, then a city is a settlement, usually quite large, which is permanent. Civilization is a stage of development in human society, characterized by advanced agriculture, long-distance trade and division of labour. A civilization may also have a writing, a currency, a tort-based legal system, distinct and/or prominent culture etc.

How did agriculture contribute to the creation of civilization?

Agriculture allowed people to settle in one place, leading to the development of permanent settlements. This led to the growth of population, specialization of labor, and the formation of social structures, which are key elements of civilization. Agriculture also provided a stable food supply, allowing civilizations to thrive and develop complex cultures and technologies.

How did the development of agriculture change the way early people lived?

The development of agriculture allowed early people to settle in one place, leading to the establishment of permanent villages and towns. It also provided a more stable food supply, enabling populations to grow. This transition from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle had profound impacts on social structures, technology, and overall human civilization.