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The major source of wealth exploited by the Spaniards in the Americas was silver. Spain extracted vast amounts of silver from mines in places like Mexico, Bolivia, and Peru, which significantly enriched the Spanish Empire during the colonial period.

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Q: What is The major source of wealth exploited by the Spaniards in the Americas?
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What Spanish explorer searched for wealth and land in the Americas?

Hernan Cortes is the Spanish explorer who searched for wealth and land in the Americas. He is best known for conquering the Aztec Empire in Mexico in the early 16th century.

Was Cortes wealthy or poor?

Cortes was wealthy. He came from a noble family in Spain and had some wealth of his own. Additionally, he gained a significant amount of wealth through his expeditions and conquests in the Americas.

When the spanish exlporers discovered the vast wealth of the incas they?

When the Spanish explorers discovered the vast wealth of the Incas, they exploited the resources, enslaved the indigenous population, and seized control of the territory. This led to the downfall of the Inca civilization and the establishment of Spanish colonial rule in the region.

Who funded Francisco Pizarro's trips?

Francisco Pizarro's trips to the Americas were funded by private investors and backers, including wealthy individuals and Spanish nobles who saw the potential for wealth and expansion in the New World. Pizarro himself also contributed some of his own wealth to finance his expeditions.

How was the spanish exploration and the settlement of the Americas?

Spanish exploration of the Americas was marked by conquest, colonization, and exploitation of indigenous populations for resources. The Spanish established settlements and brought diseases that devastated native populations. The Spanish sought to expand their empire, spread Christianity, and extract wealth from the newly discovered lands.

Related questions

Why were the Spaniards interested to gold?

The Spaniards were interested in gold due to its value as a precious metal and its role in their economy back then. They saw it as a source of wealth, power, and status. Additionally, the discovery of gold in the Americas fueled their desire for conquest and colonization.

Why did the Spaniards conquer Americas?

The Spaniards conquered the Americas in search of wealth, power, and new trading opportunities. They were driven by a desire to spread Christianity and extract valuable resources from the Americas, such as gold and silver. The conquest of the Americas also allowed Spain to expand its empire and exert control over the indigenous populations.

Why did Spain set up colonies in the Americas?

Colonies were a great source of wealth and power

Why Spaniards successfully conquered the Philippines?


The region at which location beacme a source of great wealth for Spain during the colonial period?

During the colonial period, Spain extracted enormous wealth in the form of gold, silver and new crops from the Americas.

The french came to the americas primarily to?

The French came to the Americas for wealth. They were in the fur trade throughout the Americas.

How did the Spaniards invade the Philippines?

because they wanted to rule the phil. and to have the wealth of phil.

Why did the French and Spanish come to the Americas?

In search of wealth.

What were the main goals of the conquistadores in the Americas?

increase the wealth of Spain

How did Spanish explore and build an empire in the Americas?

They wanted wealth

How did the Europeans benefit the amerindians?

It gave them a great new source of resources, wealth, and land to send off their surplus population to.

A spanish explorer who searched for wealth and land in the Americas?

I think the answer is an empressario