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They were looking for the fabled "Seven Cities of Gold," which were rumored to be rich in gold and other valuable treasures. The explorers believed that finding these cities would lead to immense wealth and glory. However, they never found the cities as they were based on myths and legends.

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Q: What do you think de soto Coronado and Carrillo were looking for in the cities of cibola?
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Who was the spanish noblemanwho went looking for cibola?

The Spanish nobleman who went looking for Cibola was Francisco Vásquez de Coronado. He led an expedition in 1540 to find the fabled Seven Cities of Gold in the American Southwest, believing Cibola to be one of them.

Did Coronado find the city of Cibola?

No, Coronado did not find the city of Cibola. He led an expedition in search of the mythical Seven Cities of Gold but did not discover them. The city of Cibola is believed to be a legendary place that was never found by Coronado or anyone else.

When did coronado search for the 7 cities of cibola?

Francisco Coronado searched for the Seven Cities of Cibola in 1540-1542. He led an expedition to find these legendary cities of gold in the American Southwest but ultimately found only adobe pueblos inhabited by Native American tribes.

Why did coronado lead an expedition to search for the seven cities of cibola?

Coronado led the expedition to search for the Seven Cities of Cibola in hopes of finding wealth and glory, as legends claimed the cities were filled with riches. The Spanish were also motivated by the desire to expand their territory and spread Christianity to the indigenous people they encountered.

Who was the first explorer that looked for the 7 cities of Cibola?

The first explorer to look for the Seven Cities of Cibola was Francisco Vásquez de Coronado. In 1540, he led an expedition into what is now the southwestern United States in search of rumored cities rich in gold and treasures.

Related questions

Who was the spanish nobleman who went looking for Cibola?

Francisco Vazquez de Coronado was the Spanish nobleman who searched for the Seven Cities of Cibola.

What was francisco vazquez de coronado trying to find?

He was looking for the 7 cities of cibola ( in other words he was looking for the 7 cities of gold.)

Who was the spanish noblemanwho went looking for cibola?

The Spanish nobleman who went looking for Cibola was Francisco Vásquez de Coronado. He led an expedition in 1540 to find the fabled Seven Cities of Gold in the American Southwest, believing Cibola to be one of them.

Did francisco vasquez de coronado actually ever find the seven cities of cibola?

no Francisco Coronado found it

Who explored the Southwestand searched for the seven cities of cibola?

The first to search for the Seven Cities of Cibola was Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

Did Coronado find the city of Cibola?

No, Coronado did not find the city of Cibola. He led an expedition in search of the mythical Seven Cities of Gold but did not discover them. The city of Cibola is believed to be a legendary place that was never found by Coronado or anyone else.

What was the name of the rumored seven cities of gold that Spaniard wanted to find?

In 1539 Coronado led a large expedition from Mexico looking for the fabled Seven Cities of Cibola.

What was Coronado looking for when he explored the Grand Canyon?

Coronado was seeking gold in the form of the Seven Cities of Cibola. He did not see the Grand Canyon, but a patrol commanded by Captain Garcia Lopez de Cardenas did.

Why did Coronado search the 7 golden cities of Cibola?

Francisco Cornado looked for the 7 cities of gold.

Who led an expedition to the southwest searching for the 7 cities of gold?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was in charge of the expedition that went searching for the seven cities. He was sent by the Spanish Viceroy because it was believed the cities were filled with gold and other valuable treasures.

Who did the Spanish send to explore present-day Colorado in search of the Seven Cities of Cibola?


What happened when Coronado reached the village of Hawikuh and realized that it was not one of the 7 cities of Cibola?
