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The valley of ashes in "The Great Gatsby" symbolizes the moral and social decay of the wealthy society in the 1920s. It represents the consequences of excessive ambition, materialism, and decadence, highlighting the stark contrast between the privileged class and the disenfranchised working class.

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Q: What do the valley of ashes symbolize?
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What does the valley of ashes symbolize in The Great Gatsby?

The valley of ashes in "The Great Gatsby" symbolizes the moral and social decay of society, serving as a harsh contrast to the opulence and extravagance of the wealthy characters in the novel. It represents the wasted lives of the working class and the emptiness of the American Dream for those who are not part of the elite social circles.

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Why do they stop in the valley of ashes in chapter 7?

In Chapter 7 of "The Great Gatsby," Tom, Daisy, Gatsby, and Nick stop in the valley of ashes after an incident at the Plaza Hotel. They stop to diffuse the tension and emotions following the confrontation, symbolizing the moral decay and corruption in society represented by the desolate and grey valley of ashes.

How does the Valley of Ashes in The Great Gatsby indicate the failure of the American Dream?

The Valley of Ashes in The Great Gatsby represents the corruption and moral decay that underlies the glittering surface of the American Dream. It serves as a stark contrast to the opulence of East and West Egg, highlighting the societal inequalities and shattered dreams that are often hidden from view. The desolate landscape and industrial waste symbolize the emptiness and futility of striving for success in a society driven by materialism and greed.

In The Great Gatsby were is daisy from?

she lives in the valley of ashes but shes from Chicago