pottery fragments
Some challenges archaeologists face include limited funding for research, destruction of archaeological sites due to development or looting, difficulties in accurately dating artifacts and structures, and ethical concerns regarding the treatment and ownership of artifacts.
Chemical analysys of old artefacts contribute to the dating in archaeology.
Bartolomeu Dias faced difficulties such as harsh weather conditions, treacherous seas, and navigation challenges while attempting to sail around the southern tip of Africa, now known as the Cape of Good Hope. Additionally, he encountered resistance from the local Khoikhoi people and had to navigate unfamiliar coastlines and waters without the aid of modern technology.
Settlers in Roanoke faced challenges such as harsh weather, limited food supplies, conflict with Native American tribes, and lack of support from England due to delayed resupply missions. These difficulties contributed to the colony's mysterious disappearance.
He faced difficulties among travels such as issues.
He face love with a girl
Type your answer here... so many difficulties
they didnt have their teddy bears
they had to face murder ps. swagdip
it gives you faith in god and god helps you in the difficulties that you face Final Answer: It depends on if you believe in God. Then, the above answer is true.
economic difficulties