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Estevanico was part of an expedition to explore Florida and the Southwest region of the United States. He discovered various indigenous tribes and served as a guide and interpreter for the Spanish explorers. He is also known for being one of the first Africans to set foot in North America.

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Q: What did estevanico discover while exploring the new world?
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Why do you think people like to explore?

People like to explore because it satisfies their curiosity, provides a sense of adventure, and allows them to discover new experiences and knowledge. Exploring can also lead to personal growth, new perspectives, and a deeper understanding of the world around them.

What are the disadvantages of not exploring?

Not exploring can limit personal growth, creativity, and new opportunities. It can also lead to missed experiences, stagnation, and a narrow perspective of the world.

What was cabeza de vaca's reason for exploration?

Cabeza de Vaca's reason for exploration was primarily to find wealth and fortune in the New World. He hoped to discover new lands, resources, and opportunities for trade and conquest. Additionally, he sought to gain personal glory and potentially earn a high position within the Spanish Empire.

What were England's goals for exploring the new world?

England's goals for exploring the New World included finding new trade routes, resources such as gold and silver, acquiring land for settlement, expanding their empire, and spreading Christianity. They also sought to establish colonies to increase their wealth and influence.

What was Francisco Coronados motive for exploring?

Francisco Coronado's motive for exploring was to find the fabled Seven Cities of Gold, also known as Cibola, which were said to be rich in treasure and wealth. He was seeking glory, riches, and the opportunity to expand Spanish territory and influence in the New World.