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pottery fragments

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Archaeologists found pottery shards and iron tools dating back to around 3000 years ago, which helped them trace the migratory path of the Bantu peoples across sub-Saharan Africa. These artifacts provided evidence of their technological advancements and movement through different regions.

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Q: What did archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both the Bantu peoples?
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Did archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both the Bantu peoples?

pottery fragments

What do archaeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both of the Bantu peoples?

Archaeologists find evidence of Bantu pottery styles and iron smelting techniques, as well as linguistic connections and genetic studies to trace the migratory path of Bantu peoples. They also study settlement patterns, trade networks, and the spread of specific crops to understand how Bantu migrations occurred.

Knowledge of iron metallurgy helped this African tribe to migrate throughout the continent.?

Knowledge of iron Metallurgy helped the Bantu to migrate throughout the continent of Africa.

What does archaeological evidence coupled with linguistic analysis tell us about Bantu-speaking peoples in the third and second millennia B.C.E.?

Archaeological evidence and linguistic analysis suggest that Bantu-speaking peoples migrated and expanded across sub-Saharan Africa during the third and second millennia B.C.E. The distribution of Bantu languages is correlated with the spread of iron-working technology and agricultural practices, indicating a movement of people rather than just ideas. This migration likely played a significant role in shaping the cultural and linguistic diversity of Africa.

How do archaeologists know that the bantu were farmers?

Archaeologists have found evidence such as farming tools, traces of domesticated plants, and settlement patterns that suggest the Bantu practiced agriculture. By analyzing these artifacts and studying the remains of ancient farming practices, archaeologists can infer that the Bantu were farmers.

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What did the archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both bantu peoples?

pottery fragments

Did archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both the Bantu peoples?

pottery fragments

What did the archeologists find that helped trace the migratory path of the Bantu people?

pottery fragments

What archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both of the bantu people?

pottery fragments

What did archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both of the Bantu people's?

Pottery fragments

What did archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both Bantu people?

pottery fragments

What did archeologist find that helped them find the migratory path of both of the bantu peoples?

Pottery fragments

What did archeologist's find that helped them trace the migratory path of both of the Bantu peoples?

Pottery fragments

What did archeologist's find that helped them trace the migratory path of both the Bantu peoples?

Pottery fragments

What did archeologist find that's helped them trace the migratory path of both the bantu peoples?

Pottery fragments

What do archaeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both of the Bantu peoples?

Archaeologists find evidence of Bantu pottery styles and iron smelting techniques, as well as linguistic connections and genetic studies to trace the migratory path of Bantu peoples. They also study settlement patterns, trade networks, and the spread of specific crops to understand how Bantu migrations occurred.

What did archeologist's find that helped them trace the migratory of both of the Bantu people?

Pottery fragments