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Captain Charles Sturt made some of the most significant discoveries in Australia.

In 1829, Sturt discovered the Bogan and Darling Rivers, major rivers within the entire Murray-Darling Basin of southeastern Australia.

Sturt also discovered that the Lachlan River flowed into the Murrumbidgee River, which then flowed into the Murray (previously named the Hume). Sturt went on to discover that the Darling River also flowed into the Murray, and that the Murray River flowed to the ocean, emptying out at Lake Alexandrina on the southern coast.

Sturt's discoveries were significant, for they allowed for the development of paddle-steamer transportation of goods and passengers along Australia's inner waterways. They also helped to disprove the theory that Australia had an inland sea. His exploration also opened up real possibilitIRS for a new colony on the southern coast. it was due toSturt's discoveries that the colony of South Australia was founded.

Later, Sturt led further expeditions into Australia's interior to determine conclusively whether there was an inland sea, but found only the desert and harsh conditions, completely unsuitable for settlement. In 1845 he became the first to cross Sturt's Stony Desert, which was subsequently named after him. He was also the first white man to see and describe the Sturt Desert Pea.

Some of the other places Sturt found and named include:

  • Oxley's Table Land
  • Dunlop's Range
  • River Darling
  • Lindesay River
  • Mt. Barker (South Australia)
  • River Murray Lake Alexandrina
  • Barrier or Stanley Range Fort Grey
  • Cooper's Creek
  • Eyre's Creek
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5mo ago

Charles Sturt was an Australian explorer who led expeditions in the early 19th century. He is known for exploring and mapping a large portion of inland Australia, particularly the Murray and Darling Rivers. Sturt's explorations confirmed the arid nature of central Australia and the lack of a viable inland sea.

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What was Charles Sturt's middle name?

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Charles Sturt's occupation was Surveyor-General.

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City of Charles Sturt was created in 1997.

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Charles Sturt University was created in 1989.

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No, Charles Sturt was never a Governor of Australia. He was an inland explorer.

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Charles Sturt died of natural causes in England in 1869.

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The motto of Charles Sturt University is 'For the public good'.

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The names of Charles Sturt's parents were Thomas Lennox Napier Sturt and Jeanette Sturt.

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Charles Sturt was Surveyor-General in South Australia.

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The area of City of Charles Sturt is 52.14 square kilometers.

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Captain Charles Sturt is buried in a cemetery in the city of Cheltenham, South Australia.