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From the Moche culture, the Incas adopted architectural techniques such as the use of adobe bricks and irrigation systems. From the Chimú culture, the Incas adopted metallurgical techniques that allowed them to create intricate gold and silver artworks, as well as administrative practices for managing their empire.

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Q: What are two things the Incas adopted from each culture the moches and the chimus?
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What couldn't be a culture artifact?

Anything created by an animal could not be a cultural product. A wildflower can not be a cultural artifact.Cultural artifacts are created by humans. They can give information about the creator of the artifact and the users of the artifact. A soda can can tell things about a culture. A cross stitch alphabet can be an artifact.

What are three examples of things that make up a group's culture?

Three examples of things that make up a group's culture are language, customs and traditions, and beliefs and values. These elements shape how members of the group communicate, interact with one another, and make sense of the world around them.

What are some things that give a person statues?

Statues can be given to individuals for notable achievements, contributions to society, historical significance, or in recognition of their impact on a community or culture. Statues can also be commissioned for public figures, leaders, or influential personalities to commemorate their legacy.

Why do archaeologists carry out an excavation?

Archaeologists carry out excavations to uncover, study, and analyze artifacts and structures buried underground. This helps them understand past cultures, societies, and behaviors, as well as reconstruct historical narratives and timelines. Excavations also provide valuable insights into human evolution and technological advancements over time.

What happens when they unearth a tomb?

When a tomb is unearthed, archaeologists carefully excavate and document the contents, including any artifacts and human remains found inside. They analyze these findings to learn more about the culture and practices of the individuals buried there. It is important to treat the remains and artifacts with respect and to follow ethical guidelines throughout the excavation process.

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Everything we do is part of our culture. It defines us and sets who and what we are. Culture are the things we do, the things we read, and the TV or movies we watch.

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in japan things like rules are different Jamaican culture

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Do things that's native to your culture.

What 3 things do people in a culture region share?

Clothing,language,music,food these are things that people in a culture share

Is Candice Cameron adopted?

I don't really know but being adopted is a very hard thing don't go saying mean things about them if they are because being adopted is something that is very delicate. Also it doesn't matter if you are adopted our not we are all the same!

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culture includes many things people share

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How did trade spread culture?

Once you trade and get things from other places, you learn about the culture and what the people are like. Thus, culture, or certain aspects of a culture, can spread.

What is the anglo culture?

The Anglo culture believes in fictitious characters like cartoons and unbelievable things.