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Stone in the Stone Age, iron and steel in the Iron Age.

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In the Stone Age, tools were primarily made from materials like wood, bone, and stone, while in the Iron Age, tools were made from metal. This transition marked a significant advancement in technology and allowed for stronger, more durable tools to be created during the Iron Age. Additionally, the tools used in the Iron Age were often more specialized and efficient compared to the more general-purpose tools of the Stone Age.

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Q: What are the differences of the tool used in the Stone Age and the tools used in the Iron Age?
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What do archaeologists conclude from the fact that the bantu left stone and iron tools?

Archaeologists conclude that the Bantu had advanced technological skills due to their ability to produce and use stone and iron tools. This suggests they had knowledge of metalworking and were able to adapt and innovate their tool-making techniques over time. The presence of these tools also indicates the Bantu's ability to exploit natural resources and adapt to various environments.

Why is iron used for tools?

Iron is used for tools because it is strong, durable, and abundant. It has the ability to withstand high temperatures and can be easily shaped and molded into various tool designs. Additionally, iron can be hardened through heat treatment, increasing its strength and longevity for tool applications.

Did tools become more complex during the Middle Stone age?

Yes, tools did become more complex during the Middle Stone Age. This period marked advancements in tool technology, such as the development of new techniques for making tools like microliths which were smaller and more refined than earlier stone tools. This complexity in tool-making suggests an increased sophistication in the skills and knowledge of the people of that time.

Age in which humans used simple stone tools?

Humans used simple stone tools around 2.6 million years ago during the Stone Age. This period is known as the Oldowan technology, characterized by tools such as choppers and scrapers used for cutting and processing various materials.

Why Briefly trace the development of tools from the Stone Age to the industrial revolution?

In the Stone Age, early humans used simple tools made of stone, wood, and bones for hunting and gathering. The Bronze Age saw the introduction of metal tools, advancing civilization's capabilities. The Iron Age brought further advancements in metallurgy and tool-making techniques. The Industrial Revolution marked a significant shift with the introduction of machinery and mass production techniques, revolutionizing the way tools were manufactured and used.

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What tools do you need to dig iron in minecraft pe?

To obtain the drop from iron ore, you will need a stone pickaxe or better. Any tool/item can break the ore but it won't drop anything unless you use a stone or better pick.

What are all the stages of a caveman?

The stages of a caveman can be summarized as: Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. During the Stone Age, cavemen used basic tools made from stone. The Bronze Age saw the advent of metalworking, with tools and weapons being made from bronze. Finally, the Iron Age brought about the use of iron in tool and weapon making, marking significant advancements in technology.

What tool do you mine to get iron on minecraft?

Stone pickaxe.

What are Common tool that can be used for stone carving?

Hammers and chisels are common stone carving tools.

Who made the first stone tool?

The first stone age tools were made by Neanderthals.

What do archaeologists conclude from the fact that the bantu left stone and iron tools?

Archaeologists conclude that the Bantu had advanced technological skills due to their ability to produce and use stone and iron tools. This suggests they had knowledge of metalworking and were able to adapt and innovate their tool-making techniques over time. The presence of these tools also indicates the Bantu's ability to exploit natural resources and adapt to various environments.

What do archaeologists conclude from the fact that the Bantu left stone and iron tool?

they were farmers

What tool do you use to mine iron in Minecraft for PS3?

For Vanilla Minecraft, you will need a stone pickaxe (or better) to mine iron ore.

Why is iron used for tools?

Iron is used for tools because it is strong, durable, and abundant. It has the ability to withstand high temperatures and can be easily shaped and molded into various tool designs. Additionally, iron can be hardened through heat treatment, increasing its strength and longevity for tool applications.

What type of tool early man made in large numbers?

tools made of stone

What was the first tool used for?

Stone tools were the first invention by man well over two million years ago. These stone tools were used for everything from hunting to tool creation. Stone tools were used for millions of years until just a few thousand years ago when man learned how to manipulate materials to make metals.

What is a chopper stone tool?

A chopper stone tool is a primitive tool made by early humans by flaking one or both sides of a stone to create a sharp edge. This tool was typically used for chopping, cutting, and scraping tasks in the Paleolithic era. It is considered one of the earliest forms of stone tools used by hominins.