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HMS Sirius was a British Royal Navy ship that served as the flagship of the First Fleet during the establishment of the first European settlement in Australia in 1788. It was later wrecked on a reef off Norfolk Island in 1790. The ship played a crucial role in transporting convicts and supplies to the newly founded colony of New South Wales.

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Q: What are facts about the HMS Sirius?
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HMS Salisbury did not rescue Sir Francis Chichester in either 1971 or 1973. Sir Francis Chichester completed his solo circumnavigation in 1967 aboard his yacht, Gipsy Moth IV. HMS Salisbury was not involved in any rescue missions related to Chichester's voyages.

What are facts about Archaeology?

Archaeologists study people of the pasts, and how and where they lived. They excavate items and artifacts that were used in past civilizations.

Facts about sword in the stone?

"Sword in the Stone" is a legendary tale of King Arthur pulling a sword from an anvil to prove his right to become king. The story is a popular motif in Arthurian literature and is featured prominently in Thomas Malory's β€œLe Morte d'Arthur.” The sword represents Arthur's destiny and is the symbol of his rightful rule.

What did john Franklin find?

John Franklin was a British explorer who led an expedition in search of the Northwest Passage. His expedition ended in tragedy and his ships, the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, were lost. In 2014 and 2016, the wrecks of these ships were discovered in the Arctic, shedding light on Franklin's final expedition.

Why in a historian more concerned with fact than opinion when studying the past?

Historians prioritize facts over opinions because their goal is to accurately reconstruct the past based on evidence. By focusing on facts, historians can develop a more objective understanding of historical events, individuals, and trends. This allows for a more reliable interpretation of the past that can contribute to a better understanding of history.

Related questions

How did the HMS Sirius crash?

In April 1918, during WWI HMS Sirius was deliberately run aground and scuttled in the mouth of Ostend Harbour in Belgium.

Did the First Fleet have a flagship?

The flagship of the first fleet was HMS Sirius.

How many ships did Arthur Phillip have?

he was in charge of 200 ships, one of them was the HMS sirius

Who made the leader boat in the first fleet?

HMS Sirius - the flagship; HMS Supply - armed storeship; The Alexander - transport and the biggest ship; The Borrowdale -

What was Governor Arthur Phillip's ship called?

Captain Arthur Phillip was initially on the HMS Sirius, which was the leading ship of the First Fleet. In November 1787, a month after leaving the Cape of Good Hope, he transferred to the HMS Supply, leaving the Sirius under his second-in-command, Captain John Hunter.The Supply was a smaller and faster ship, so as the Fleet rounded Van Diemen's Land, Phillip forged ahead to form an advance party with the Alexander, Scarborough and Friendship.

How many male convicts were on HMS Sirus?

Sirius was a warship. The convicts were in six cargo ships.

What did HMS Sirius do after the First Fleet?

It was the guard ship for the colony and was wrecked on Norfolk Island taking supplies, convicts and soldiers there.

What first fleet ships were naval escorts?

Of the eleven ships of the First Fleet to Australia, the two naval escorts were the flagship, the HMS Sirius, and the Supply.

What was a musical instrument taken aboard the first fleet?

The piano.The first piano in Australia arrived with Surgeon George Worgan on the First Fleet. It was transported on the HMS Sirius.

What British ships were at Japanese surrender in 1945?

HMS Duke of York HMS King George V HMS Ruler HMS Speaker HMS Newfoundland HMS Whelp HMS Wizard HMS Wager HMS Terpsichore HMS Tenacious HMS Teazer HMS Quality HMS Derg HMS Crane HMS Whimbrel

Is one of the First Fleet ship's name called the Florentia?

No. The following ships were those in the First Fleet: HMS Sirius - Gun Supply Ship HMS Supply - Gun Supply Ship The Borrowdale The Fishburn Golden Grove Lady Penrhyn Prince of Wales Scarborough Charlotte The Friendship The Alexander

How does HMS warrior differ from HMS victory?

The HMS warrior is a iron/steel ship - steam powered - the HMS Victory is wooden construction, sail powered. The HMS warrior is a Frigate, the HMS Victory a Ship-of-the-Line.