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There were massive changes in human culture between the Old and New Stone Ages, so very little remained the same. However, people in both periods:

  • Made stone tools
  • Acquired at least some of their food from wild resources
  • Lived in groups
  • Communicated with each other.
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People in both the old stone age and the new stone age made tools out of stone, hunted animals for food, created art such as cave paintings, and practiced burial rituals.

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Q: What are 4 things people did in both the old stone age and the new stone age?
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What are 4 thing people did in the new stone age but not in the old stone age?

In the New Stone Age, people began to engage in agriculture, domesticate animals, create permanent settlements, and develop pottery for storage and cooking, activities that were not common in the Old Stone Age.

What were the people during the stone age called?

People during the Stone Age were simply referred to as "Stone Age people" or "Stone Age humans." They did not have specific names or titles as societies were small and mostly nomadic during this period.

What is the difference between the old stone age and the new stone age?

Old stone age means where the people used to go for hunting , ate raw fruits and never cooked the flesh of hunted animals. Old stone age people led a nomadic life .Where as new stone age means where the people started agriculture , and developed many scientific knowledge and also they started to believe in the natural things . New stone age people led a settled life.

How is the old stone age and the new stone age similar?

The Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic Era, and the New Stone Age, also known as the Neolithic Era, were both characterized by the use of tools made from stone. They both relied on hunting and gathering for sustenance, although the New Stone Age saw the emergence of early agricultural practices. Additionally, both periods saw the development of social structures and the use of fire for various purposes.

What are the similarities in old stone and new stone age?

Both the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) and New Stone Age (Neolithic) were characterized by the use of stone tools for hunting and gathering. They both involved nomadic lifestyles, although the Neolithic period saw the transition to settled agricultural communities. Additionally, both periods saw the development of social structures and cultural practices.

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How did the Stone Age people make their weapons?

Stone age people made weapons by finding sharp objects to carve things.

What did Stone Age people build?

they didn't. learn things.

What did stone age people build boats?

they didn't. learn things.

Why is the name Stone Age misleading?

People used tools made out of many things, not just stone.

What are 4 thing people did in the new stone age but not in the old stone age?

In the New Stone Age, people began to engage in agriculture, domesticate animals, create permanent settlements, and develop pottery for storage and cooking, activities that were not common in the Old Stone Age.

Did stone age people have tools?

Yes, they were made out of stone, that was why it was called the stone age.

What were the people during the stone age called?

People during the Stone Age were simply referred to as "Stone Age people" or "Stone Age humans." They did not have specific names or titles as societies were small and mostly nomadic during this period.

Why do you call it the stone age?

People call it the Stone Age because of the about of stone tools at the time.

What did mankind use to make things in the stone age?

the stone age made every thing out of stones

Is there a difference between stone age bone flute and stone age stone flute?

Yes, bone flutes are made of BONE, and stone flutes are made of STONE. They were both used during the Stone Age

How did Old stone age people store food?

old stone age

What is new stone age?

The Stone Age was when many people started using tools created from stone