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4 things people did in the new stone age and not in the old stone age is: 1. Farm 2. Develop into early cities 3. Bring water into the cities using irrigation 4.Have a centralized government and social classes

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In the New Stone Age, people began to engage in agriculture, domesticate animals, create permanent settlements, and develop pottery for storage and cooking, activities that were not common in the Old Stone Age.

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Q: What are 4 thing people did in the new stone age but not in the old stone age?
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What is the name of period of transition between old and new stone age?

The period of transition between the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) and the New Stone Age (Neolithic) is known as the Mesolithic period. It is characterized by the development of new technologies and adaptations as human societies shifted towards a more settled way of life.

What is the difference between the old stone age and the new stone age?

Old stone age means where the people used to go for hunting , ate raw fruits and never cooked the flesh of hunted animals. Old stone age people led a nomadic life .Where as new stone age means where the people started agriculture , and developed many scientific knowledge and also they started to believe in the natural things . New stone age people led a settled life.

What are 4 things people did in both the old stone age and the new stone age?

There were massive changes in human culture between the Old and New Stone Ages, so very little remained the same. However, people in both periods:Made stone toolsAcquired at least some of their food from wild resourcesLived in groupsCommunicated with each other.

What age refers to the time when people were hunters and gatherers?

The age when people were hunters and gatherers is referred to as the Stone Age, which is typically divided into the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) and the Neolithic (New Stone Age) periods. This era lasted for a significant portion of human history before the development of agriculture.

What is another term for new stone age?

Another term for the New Stone Age is the Neolithic Age.

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What language did people use in the New Stone Age?

Sanskrit is about the only thing I can think of.

What is new stone age?

The Stone Age was when many people started using tools created from stone

What is the new stone age?

The Stone Age was when many people started using tools created from stone

How did the new stone people get transportation?

The transportation in the Stone Age was walking .

What is the name of period of transition between old and new stone age?

The period of transition between the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) and the New Stone Age (Neolithic) is known as the Mesolithic period. It is characterized by the development of new technologies and adaptations as human societies shifted towards a more settled way of life.

Did people in the new stone age build cities?


Is farming from the old stone age or the new stone age?

it is new stone age

How many YEARS was the new stone age?

The new stone age started when the people became farmers and they could stay in the one place.

Is nomadic lifestyle new stone age or old stone age?

New stone age

Is permanent settlements Old Stone Age or the New Stone Age?

new stone age

Is sturdy hoes from new stone age or old stone age?

new stone age

What important happened in the new stone age?

Agriculture.Because in the old stone age people only hunt for food.In this particular age people can plant and harvest food