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No. All historical evidence shows it contained the bodies of the kings and queens. The writings on the walls, the items found inside all point to this as a historical fact.

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4mo ago

Some researchers believe that grain was indeed stored in the pyramids, specifically in the pyramid complex at Giza. However, this theory is debated among historians and archaeologists, with others suggesting the pyramids were used for the burial of pharaohs. More research is needed to draw a definitive conclusion.

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Q: Was grain stored in the pyramids?
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Has grain been found in pyramids?

No, no grains have been found inside the pyramids themselves. However, archaeological evidence shows that grains like wheat and barley were stored in granaries near the pyramids to feed the workers involved in their construction.

Where grains are stored?

Grains are stored in silos and warehouse as well as grain elevators.

Where is grain stored?

Grain is usually stored in a silo, a tall tower or pit, usually on a farm or property.

What is stored in granary?


How are grain and grain products stored in your home?

We use glass or metallic cans for that.

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What is meaning of silo?

It is the place where grain is stored.

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Energy can is stored in many grains. It is in the grain itself and released by eating , which converts it to energy. Or by turning it to to gas by refining etc.

How is bulk grain stored and transported now that grain elevators seem to be outdated?

Larger less frequent grain elevators.

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Grains are grown on the prairies. The grain is stored in grain elevators before being shipped to a company that grinds the grain into flour.

What is the name of where grain is stored that starts with G and had ARY in it?


What is the name given where the place grain is stored?

A granary or silo.