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True - Slavery held the south in bondage to an archaic way of life.

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4mo ago

True. Slavery in the South was a deeply entrenched institution that shaped its economy and social structure, ultimately tying the region to an outdated and morally reprehensible practice. The reliance on slavery hindered progress and innovation, leading to the South being held back by its commitment to an unsustainable way of life.

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Q: True or false Slavery held the South in bondage to an archaic way of life?
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True or false did Slavery held the south in bondage to an archaic way of life?

True. Slavery was a central economic and social institution in the southern United States before the Civil War, shaping the region's culture and politics. This dependence on slavery contributed to the South's resistance to social and economic changes that could have modernized the region.

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the south wanted slaverythe south wanted slaverysouth wanted slavery and north wanted "anti slavery"Slavery is not what the war was about. The south didn't want anything persay. The civil war is often catagorized as being a war over slavery, and this is false. The north was fighting to keep the union in tact. Abraham Lincoln stated that "If (he) could save the Union without freeing any slaves I(he) would do it, and if (he) could save the Union by freeing all slaves, (he) would do it....What (he did) about slavery, and the coloured race, (he did) because (he believed) it helps to save the Union." The south was fighting the was as a constitutional issue. They felt that the abolition of slavery and the compromises of 1850 and the Missourri Compromise impeded on their 10th amendment right to decide for themselves.