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  1. Skilled navigators, known for their seafaring voyages across the Pacific Ocean.
  2. Talented ceramicists, producing distinctive pottery with intricate designs.
  3. Agricultural experts, cultivating crops such as taro and yam in their settlements.
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Q: Three characteristics of the Lapita people are?
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What two islands did the Lapita travel to before settling down?

The Lapita people first traveled to Vanuatu and New Caledonia before settling down in other parts of the Pacific islands. These migrations are believed to have occurred around 3,000-3,500 years ago.

The Lapita people branched off into two different cultural groups?

Yes, the Lapita people branched off into two different cultural groups known as the "Polynesians" who migrated to the eastern Pacific islands and the "Micronesians" who settled in the central Pacific islands. These groups developed distinct cultural practices and traditions over time based on their specific environments and interactions with neighboring societies.

Why is Lapita culture important?

Lapita culture is important because it represents the cultural expansion and migration of the Austronesian-speaking peoples across the Pacific region around 1500-500 BCE. It was a significant moment in human history as it marked the dispersal of a single language family over a vast area. Lapita culture also laid the foundation for the diverse and complex Polynesian cultures that would later develop in the islands of the Pacific.

What did Lapita culture developed great skills to overcome the difficulties?

Lapita culture developed skills in navigation, pottery-making, and agriculture that enabled them to travel great distances across the Pacific Ocean, establish settlements on remote islands, and adapt to diverse environments. Their expertise in food cultivation and trade networks also helped them overcome challenges related to resource management and climate variability.

What were three important advances for the neolithic people?

Three important advances for Neolithic people were the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, and the creation of permanent settlements. These advances enabled Neolithic people to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a more settled way of life.

Related questions

Where did the Lapita people come from?

The lapita people made lapita pottery and tools such as stone adzes

What are three characteristics of the lapita that enabled to migrate to island throughout Oceania?

1. They were master sailors. 2. They were great boat builders. 3. They had a good understanding of the stars navigate.

Who were the original people in Fiji?

The Lapita People of South East Asia.

What are three characteristics of the Lapita people that enbaled them to migrate to islands throughout Oceania?

1. They were master sailors. 2. They were great boat builders. 3. They had a good understanding of the stars navigate.

What kept the Polynesians and Lapita from creating an empire?

More evidence is surfacing to suggest that the lapita people were a different race than the Polynesians, infact there is little to suggest they were the polynesians ancestors. So they couldn't have created an empire, the lapita were around at a different time than the Polynesians.

The ancestors of the Polynesians and the Maori are the Lapita. Is this true?

Yes, the ancestors of the Polynesians and the Maori are believed to be the Lapita people. The Lapita were an ancient culture that originated in the Pacific and are known for their distinctive pottery style that spread across the region, influencing the cultural development of various Pacific island groups.

Who was the first person to rule the Fiji Islands?

The Lapita people of South East Asia.

How did the lapita people get there name?

The Lapita people are named after the archaeological site in New Caledonia where their distinctive pottery was first discovered in the 1950s. This pottery provided important evidence for understanding the migration and cultural expansion of the Lapita people across the Pacific Islands.

Who settled melanesia?

the Lapita potters

What were the two groups that The Lapita people branched off into too?

Their is still much debate, but it's generally accepted that the Lapita people are the ancestors of Polynesian people to explain how the Polynesians got to be in the middle of the Pacific ocean. Others argue that the Lapita are Melanesian, just one of many old diverse groups that sprung from human occupation in South East Asia and Australia for the last 50,000 years. However, it's too coincidental that the end of the Lapita pottery also marks the beginning of the Polynesian cultural complex. Research shows that Polynesians and Melanesians have very distinct DNA and morphological traits with some very old and ancient mix, but very little admixture.

The Lapita had a very distinctive type of?


Oceania was first colonized by the and then by the?

Lapita and the Polynesians