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The fertile soil of the Harappan civilization was primarily fed by the rich silt deposits from the Indus River. The periodic flooding of the river deposited nutrient-rich sediments along its banks, creating ideal conditions for agriculture.

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Q: The fertile soil that Harrapan civilization farmed was fed by rich silt from what sourcehing?
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The fertile soil that Harrapan civilization farmed was fed by rich silt from what source?

The fertile soil that the Harappan civilization farmed was fed by rich silt from the Indus River. The annual flooding of the river deposited nutrient-rich silt onto the surrounding floodplains, creating ideal conditions for agriculture. This allowed the Harappans to thrive and develop a sophisticated urban society.

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Irrigation wells, or ditches from another water body.

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Malthus is the person who believed that less fertile soil would need to be farmed if the labor force increased. This is because he thought the fertile soil would not produce enough food.

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farmed and built villages to formed a civilization

Why are mussels farmed?

They are farmed as food.