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The Inca built an extensive network of roads, known as the Inca road system, spanning thousands of miles across their empire. They also constructed impressive suspension bridges, such as the Q'eswachaka bridge, to traverse difficult terrain and maintain communication and trade between distant regions.

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Q: The Inca had advanced knowledge of engineering. What did the Inca build to keep their empire connected?
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Which phrase best completes the partial outline below Achievements of the incas?

"Empire expansion and advanced engineering techniques."

How was the Aztec skill at engineering demonstrated in mesoamerica after about 1300?

The Aztec skill at engineering was demonstrated through the construction of impressive architectural structures like their Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan, which showcased advanced knowledge of mathematics and engineering. They also built sophisticated drainage and irrigation systems, as well as causeways and aqueducts to support their growing empire. Additionally, the Aztecs created innovative agricultural techniques, such as the use of chinampas or floating gardens to increase food production.

How do the ruins od machu picchu shows that the Inca empire was well organized and technologically advanced?

The ruins of Machu Picchu demonstrate the advanced engineering skills of the Inca Empire through its precisely fitted stone structures and sophisticated irrigation system. The strategic location of the site, built on a mountain ridge, showcases the empire's expertise in urban planning and architecture. Additionally, the agricultural terraces and efficient water management systems illustrate the Inca's mastery of agricultural techniques.

One achievement of the Incas?

The Incas are renowned for their advanced engineering and architectural skills, particularly their impressive network of roads and bridges throughout their empire. They also built the citadel of Machu Picchu, which showcases their mastery of construction on difficult terrains with impressive precision.

What shaded area represents the Inca civilization?

The shaded area representing the Inca civilization is located in the Andes Mountains of South America, primarily in present-day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and parts of Chile and Argentina. The Inca Empire was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America and was known for its advanced engineering, agriculture, and administrative systems.

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Which phrase best completes the partial outline below Achievements of the incas?

"Empire expansion and advanced engineering techniques."

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The duration of Engineering an Empire is 2640.0 seconds.

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There are many, the Aqueduct, the Coliseum, the Pantheon, Sewers, the Roman Baths.... among hundreds of other fantastic architectural and engineering marvels.

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Engineering an Empire ended on 2007-01-08.

When was Engineering an Empire created?

Engineering an Empire was created on 2005-09-13.

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It was the famous stone-paved roads (via munita) that connected the city of Rome with territory throughout the empire.

How was the Aztec skill at engineering demonstrated in mesoamerica after about 1300?

The Aztec skill at engineering was demonstrated through the construction of impressive architectural structures like their Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan, which showcased advanced knowledge of mathematics and engineering. They also built sophisticated drainage and irrigation systems, as well as causeways and aqueducts to support their growing empire. Additionally, the Aztecs created innovative agricultural techniques, such as the use of chinampas or floating gardens to increase food production.

What are the ratings and certificates for Engineering an Empire - 2006?

Engineering an Empire - 2006 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG

What is am empire?

In empire is a Empire that is connected with a Colonial Empire so that's what an empire is.

What was the large Inca empire connected by?

The large Inca Empire was connected by 10,000 miles of paved roads.

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The Roman Empire.

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Egypt Engineering an Empire - 2006 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG