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we can take mirror as a archaeologist items

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Some objects that archaeologists may find include pottery shards, tools (such as arrowheads or axes), jewelry, weapons, and architectural fragments. Objects made of stone that archaeologists may find include tools, sculptures, beads, and building materials.

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Q: Make a list of all the objects that archaeologists may findwhich of these could be made of stone?
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What did archaeologists find in Tenochtitlan?

The sun stone

How do archaeologists learn about the stone age people?

Archaeologists learn about Stone Age people by studying the artifacts and remains they left behind. By analyzing tools, pottery, art, structures, and human remains, archaeologists can piece together information about daily life, social structures, beliefs, and technological advancements of ancient societies. Excavations of sites, such as caves, settlements, and burial grounds, provide valuable insights into the way Stone Age people lived.

Who still makes stone tools today?

Some indigenous groups in remote areas and traditional craftsmen across various cultures still make and use stone tools today for hunting, woodworking, and cultural practices. Additionally, archaeologists and experimental archaeologists also create stone tools to study ancient techniques and technologies.

Why was the stone age called the stone age by archaeologists and historians?

The Stone Age was named so because of the prominent use of stone tools by ancient human societies during this period. Archaeologists and historians have observed that stone tools were the primary implements used by our ancestors for hunting, gathering, and various other activities. This era marked a significant technological advancement in human history, as stone tool production and usage were central to daily life during this time.

What do the archaeologists conclude from the fact that the Bantu left stone and iron tools?

Archaeologists conclude that the Bantu people had knowledge and skills in metallurgy, allowing them to produce and use advanced stone and iron tools. This suggests a level of technological sophistication and cultural development among the Bantu communities.

Related questions

What did archaeologists find in Tenochtitlan?

The sun stone

Why Stone Age was called the Stone Age by archaeologists and historians?

Because then era use the tools of stone

What did the Rosetta stone enable archaeologists to do?

Comprehend and translate older rock documents. It gave the scholars could use to understand other scripts.

How did the archaeologists find the Rosetta stone?

French soldiers found the Rosetta stone in the town of Rosetta

How did archaeologists and historians learn about the daily life in Egypt?

the rosetta stone

What was discovered that gave archaeologists an understanding of how to read hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone.

How did archaeologists use the Rosetta stone?

they used it know more about egyptians

What do archaeologists conclude from the fact the bantu left stone and iron tools?

they were farmers

What do archaeologists conclude from the fact that the Bantu left stone and iron tool?

they were farmers

What impact did the Rosetta Stone have on the civilization?

The Rosetta Stone let archaeologists understand, read and find out about Ancient Egyptian Civilizations. The Rosetta Stone had hieroglyphics written on it.

What marks the beginning of the new stone age?

When archaeologists discover new new trade and jobs

What is the name of the artifacts that helped archaeologists discover the translate the hieroglyphies?

I believe you are thinking of the Rosetta stone.