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There is no concrete historical evidence to prove that King Arthur was a real living person. The stories of King Arthur are largely based on folklore, legends, and myths rather than documented historical accounts.

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Q: Is there proof that King Arthur is or was a real living person?
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Was King Arthur living in castle?

King Arthur is a legendary British ruler from the medieval period. While many tales depict him in Camelot, a castle associated with his court, scholars believe that it is likely a fictional location. The historical existence of a specific King Arthur living in a castle is uncertain.

What are facts that prove King Arthur was a real person?

There is no concrete historical evidence that proves King Arthur was a real person. The stories of King Arthur are largely based on myth and legend, with some scholars suggesting that he may have been a composite of multiple historical figures. The lack of reliable contemporary records and the fantastical elements of the Arthurian legend make it difficult to establish the existence of a historical King Arthur.

Was king Arthuer Real?

There is no conclusive historical evidence to prove if King Arthur was a real historical figure or a legendary character. The stories of King Arthur and his knights are primarily found in medieval folklore and literature. Some historians believe that King Arthur may have been based on a real person or amalgamation of multiple historical figures, but this remains a subject of debate and speculation.

Is King Arthur fake?

King Arthur is a legendary figure from British folklore, and there is no historical evidence to prove his existence. The stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table are believed to be a blend of myths, legends, and historical narratives that have evolved over centuries. Despite the lack of concrete proof, King Arthur's legend continues to be a popular and enduring part of Western literature and culture.

What was the name of the castle from king arthur?

The name of King Arthur's castle is often associated with Camelot. Camelot is the legendary seat of King Arthur's court and is widely known in Arthurian legend as the center of his kingdom.

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How g arrhur got his sworld excalibur?

According to the legend, Arthur was the only person who was able to pull out the sword, Excalibur, from the boulder. This act was proof that Arthur was the true king.

Did King Arthur exsist?

Yes there are proof that king Arthur existed but some people will say other wise but yes he did exist as well as he's knights

What values did King Arthur instill in society?

king arthur was a sellfish person who only cared about himself after he was king...

Who became king after King Arthur died?

There are many legends, all differing from each other. Though there is no real proof King Arthur ever even lived, some believe Sir Lancelot or one of the other knights of The Round Table took over. Other legends, and there is some historical proof, that the Anglo-Saxons took over Britain. However, there is no proof whether or not there was any King between the legendary, King Arthur, and the Saxons.

Who was the magician that helped King Arthur?

merlin the enchanter was the person who raised king arthur and helped him

Was King Arthur living in castle?

King Arthur is a legendary British ruler from the medieval period. While many tales depict him in Camelot, a castle associated with his court, scholars believe that it is likely a fictional location. The historical existence of a specific King Arthur living in a castle is uncertain.

Does King Arthur have glasses?

King Arthur, a legendary figure in British folklore, is not typically depicted as wearing glasses in traditional literature or artwork. Glasses as we know them today were not invented until the 13th century, long after King Arthur's supposed reign.

How did Arthur's Seat get its name?

Arthur's seat 's name came from king arthur the person who owns the place.

Did any people from actual history meet King Arthur?

Well, it's a fact that King Arthur was an actual person, however, his power might have been exaggerated. But yes, the King of England did meet King Arthur.

When was king aurthure born?

There is no definite proof that King Arthur even existed. There may have been an Arthur in the years after the Romans left the island of 'Britain'. He may have been the King of the ancient Kingdom of Strathclyde. To answer your question - anywhere between 400 A.D. and 600 A.D.

10 facts about king Arthur?

King Arthurs mother was Igraine,or Ygrane.Same person

When is King Arthur coming back?

December 21 2010 but it is said that that there goming to be a person that it going to be arthur