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Carbon atoms are contained in most cells of all living things on Earth. Most carbon atoms (98.89 percent) are called carbon-12 because they have 6 neutrons and 6 protons in their nuclei. Most of the remaining atoms (1.11 percent) have 7 neutrons along with their 6 protons and are called carbon-13 atoms, but a very small quantity (called a trace amount) of carbon atoms have 8 neutrons and 6 protons. These and are called carbon-14 atoms.

Carbon-14 atoms are radioactive and are referred to as radiocarbon. They are unstable, and decay slowly by releasing electrons before evolving into nitrogen-14 atoms. A living organisms constantly absorbs carbon in its body systems by respiration and processing nutrients, and the amount of carbon-14 it contains remains fairly constant for as long as it lives. The carbon-14 decays without being replaced after the organism dies and half of the carbon-14 nuclei will disintegrate in about 5,730 years. The amount of carbon-14 that has disintegrated in a fossilized organism can be calculated and used for determining its age.

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The source of carbon-14 used in radiocarbon dating is cosmic radiation. Carbon-14 is produced in the Earth's atmosphere when cosmic rays collide with nitrogen atoms, creating carbon-14 isotopes. This carbon-14 is then absorbed by living organisms through the process of photosynthesis and becomes a part of their biological tissues.

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What is the role of radioactive isotopes in dating the objects of past?

Radioactive isotopes are used in radiometric dating to determine the age of objects such as rocks or fossils. By measuring the decay of specific isotopes present in these objects, scientists can calculate how long it has been since the material was formed. This technique helps provide a timeline of events in Earth's history and is crucial for understanding the age of archaeological artifacts.

What are the source of our knowledge of the stone age?

Our knowledge of the Stone Age comes from archaeological evidence such as tools, artifacts, cave paintings, and fossil remains found at sites around the world. Studying these physical remains helps researchers understand how early humans lived, their technology, social structures, and how they adapted to their environments during this prehistoric period. Additionally, scientific techniques like radiocarbon dating and DNA analysis have provided further insights into the Stone Age.

What allowed the hunter gatherer change from a nomadic lifestyle to living in settlements?

The shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled living was largely driven by the development of agriculture. The ability to grow crops and domesticate animals provided a more reliable and efficient food source, allowing for permanent settlements to be established. This transition also led to the development of more complex societies and civilizations.

How do you write a primary source analysis?

To write a primary source analysis, start by examining the source's authorship, date, and context. Analyze the source's intended audience, purpose, and bias. Consider the source's reliability and significance in relation to your research topic, providing specific examples and evidence to support your analysis. Conclude by reflecting on how the source contributes to your understanding of the subject.

When was coal discovered?

Coal has been used by humans for thousands of years, with evidence of its use dating back to ancient civilizations. The exact date of when coal was first discovered is not known, but the earliest recorded use of coal as a fuel source was in China around 4,000 years ago.

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Yes, people use radiation sources for various applications in medicine (such as X-rays and cancer treatment), industry (such as industrial radiography and food irradiation), and research (such as radiocarbon dating and nuclear energy production). Radiation sources are carefully regulated to ensure safety and proper use.